Citizenship By Ali, Jenna, and Nora
Naturalization The legal process by which a person is granted the rights and privileges of a citizen.
Qualifications for Citizenship Applicants must have entered the United States legally. They must be of good moral character. They must declare their support of the principle of the American government. They must prove they can read, write, and speak English. They must show some knowledge of American history and government.
The Steps to Citizenship Must be at least 18 years or older. Must have lived in the United States as a lawfully resident alien for 30 months out of the pervious 5 years. There is a investigation and preliminary hearing in which the individual is asked questions about his/ her moral character. If an applicant makes it through this stage, he/ she will be asked to attend a final hearing. The individual is required to renounce loyalty to their former government, to obey and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States, and to bear arms on behalf of the united States when required by law. The judge then declares the individual a United States citizen.
Ways to lose your citizenship Committing certain crimes Expatriation Denaturalization
Responsibilities of a Citizen Knowing about rights, your basic legal rights Knowing about laws, learning to respect laws Voting Participation
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