PRESENTED BY ALLIANCE WORK PARTNERS YOUR EAP SPECIALIST WWW.ALLIANCEWP.COM Giving Effective Feedback- How can you improve without it? © Copyright Alliance Work Partners 2011
Goals and Objectives Why Feedback is essential How to give effective feedback Increase your awareness of emotional responses Enhance your ability to utilize feedback effectively © Copyright Alliance Work Partners 2011
Why is Giving Feedback Important? It underlies everything we do It underlies everything we do It is difficult and often unwanted It is difficult and often unwanted Its an opportunity to learn and grow Its an opportunity to learn and grow © Copyright Alliance Work Partners 2011
Giving Feedback is not fun! Why? Feedback = judgment Feedback = judgment Feedback = objective message Feedback = objective message Feedback = opportunity to learn Feedback = opportunity to learn © Copyright Alliance Work Partners 2011
What Feedback is not! Necessarily negative A one-way monologue Need to be a wrestling match An opportunity for personal attack Represent the only point of view © Copyright Alliance Work Partners 2011
What Feedback is Critical to managing effectively Comes from clients and customers Fosters positive change Positive- reinforce preferred behavior Corrective- introduce more productive work patterns Multidirectional © Copyright Alliance Work Partners 2011
FeedbackCoachingPerformance Evaluation Purpose To reinforce or change behavior To improve skillsTo evaluate past work ParticipantsAny two (or more) people Typically supervisor to direct report, but can be multidirectional Supervisor to direct report PlacePrivate and quiet space Depends on the skill to be learned Usually in the supervisor's office Tone Typically causal although can be more formal Somewhat formal, but potentially relaxed Very formal, often stressful Timing Impromtu as needed during formal sessions Regular meetings Scheduled every six months or once a year Follow-upContinual Based on action plan Whats the Difference?
If you want to improve continuously as manager, then you have to have feedbackand you have to know how to give it as well as receive it. © Copyright Alliance Work Partners 2011 Tip:
Focus on job performance, skills, behavior things that can be changed most easily. © Copyright Alliance Work Partners 2011 Helping People Change: Easy to Difficult
Giving Feedback Capture the Situation When, Where Yesterday morning Yesterday morning Last Monday Last Monday On Friday On Friday
Giving Feedback Describe the Behavior - You were rude during the meeting. You were rude during the meeting. You seemed bored at the teams presentation. You seemed bored at the teams presentation. During the meeting you spoke at the same time others were speaking. During the meeting you spoke at the same time others were speaking. You yawned, rolled your eyes, and looked out the window. You yawned, rolled your eyes, and looked out the window. Dont forget the non-verbals! 93% of all communication
Giving Feedback Describe the Behavior Exercise: Put an check next to the phrases that describe behavior.
Giving Feedback Points of Delivery May I share an observation with you? May I share an observation with you? Acknowledge the uneasiness or discomfort you may feel, As Im telling you this, Im aware of how uncomfortable I
Giving Feedback Deliver the Impact What Impact it had on you. What Impact it had on you. When you told me in the meeting that my concerns about the product deadlines were overblown, I felt belittled. When you did (behavior), I felt (impact) or When you said (behavior), I was (impact).
Establish a Receptive Work Environment Be the role model Clear work expectations Establish mutual commitment Acknowledge positive performance Frame it as an ongoing process © Copyright Alliance Work Partners 2011
Do Your Homework Gather the facts Consider their point of view Anticipate the response Adapt your style Be sensitive © Copyright Alliance Work Partners 2011
Do Your Homework Planning the Feedback Name the issue or behavior Impact – Team, Department or Project Detail to describe the behavior. (Who, What, When) Purpose of the feedback Possible barriers Results, Short term and Long term © Copyright Alliance Work Partners 2011
Exercise Think of a situation in your department with one of your subordinates that you have to give feedback. Capture the situation Describe the behavior Deliver the impact Use the Planning a Feedback Session form. © Copyright Alliance Work Partners 2011
During feedback session, make the person comfortable. Dont meet on opposite side of a desk, and never answer the phone! © Copyright Alliance Work Partners 2011 Tip:
Corrective Feedback Identify a specific employee behavior Stop talking and start listening Agree on what the issue is Agree on an action plan © Copyright Alliance Work Partners 2011
Tip: For feedback to be accepted, the receiver has to view the giver as reliable and as having good intentions. © Copyright Alliance Work Partners 2011
Backing out Backing out Pull on your experiences Pull on your experiences Emphasize your vulnerability Emphasize your vulnerability Cushion the feedback Cushion the feedback Label the feedback Label the feedback Give advice Give advice Label Behavior Label Behavior Being imprecise Being imprecise Judge the person Judge the person Delay Delay Key Traps to Avoid © Copyright Alliance Work Partners 2011