Understanding your PSAT Score Report
HOW DID YOU DO? Look at your own score report You will see 3 scores at the top: Evidence-based Reading and Writing Math (120 – 720 possible points for 9th grade and 160 – 760 possible points for Grades 10-11) Total score (Combination of R/W and Math scores) (240 – 1440 9th and 320 – 1520 for grades 10-11) The percentile means you scored greater than or equal to the scores of X% of the same-grade-level students who took the PSAT The black tick mark in the colored line under the scores shows where you are at regarding meeting the benchmark in that section
What do the colors mean again? Green – indicates strength and that the score meets or exceeds the benchmark for that section Yellow – indicates the score is close to the benchmark level but that the skills necessary for meeting the benchmark in that section require some work Red – indicates weakness and the need to strengthen skills in order to meet the benchmark
What about those sub-scores? Reading, Writing and Language, and Math each have sub-scores that are scored from 1 to 15, 15 being the top score Reading sub-scores = Command of Evidence and Words in Context Writing and Language sub-scores = Expression of Ideas and Standard English Conventions Math sub-scores = Heart of Algebra, Problem Solving, and Passport to Advanced Math Each score is shown on the now familiar color coded line
Look at the Cross-Test Scores Under the Test Scores sections you will see 2 cross-test sections (Analysis in History/Social Studies and Analysis of Science) 36 for 9th grade and 38 for grades 10-11 is the top score you can get here These scores are based on questions in the Reading, Writing and Language and Math Tests that ask students to think analytically about texts and problems in these subject areas. When you look at the Your Question-Level Feedback section you will see which questions were tagged as Analysis in History/Social Studies and Analysis of Science questions.
What is the National Merit Scholarship Section? The PSAT is a qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship. 9th grade students will not see this section on their score report. Only Juniors who take the PSAT can qualify for this scholarship based on the selection index If you see an * next to the selection index number, then you do not qualify for the National Merit Scholarship program The qualifying cutoff scores are released in September and they vary by state. It is likely that the cutoff scores will be greater than 195 for most states, and many states will be over 200
Your Question Level Feedback The last page of the score report provides you with exactly which questions you answered correctly and incorrectly To view the actual questions, you must have your test booklet or log on to the College Board’s website It is smart to at least look at the questions that you answered incorrectly so that you can see if you made a simple mistake or if you need to improve your knowledge in that area There is also a key that shows the question type by sub-score and cross-test score Utilize the Access Code at the bottom of this page to see your questions and answer explanations online
How does my score translate to the SAT score? The full SAT Suite of Assessments uses a common score scale for the total (240 – 1600), section (120 – 800) and test and cross-test (6-40) scores. A student who received a Math section score of 500 would be expected to also get a 500 on the SAT Math section Focus should be on increasing your section scores Your growth from one year to the next will be shaped by the courses you take and the practice you undertake between assessments.
How can I improve my score? Connect your PSAT results with Khan Academy to get a personalized study plan for the SAT based on your PSAT results View this video to learn how