Historical Interlude … 9He


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Presentation transcript:

Historical Interlude … 9He … some cases accessible via heavy-ion multi-nucleon transfer & double-charge exchange from (quasi-) stable targets/beams → complex mechanisms, selectivity (ℓ>>0), complex spectra, … HMI group, circa 1994

d(8He,p)AHe @ 15 mev/nucleon … Er=180±85 (G=180±160) ; 1240±120 (G=130+170/-130) ; 3420±780 (G=2900±400) keV T Al Kalanee, J Gibelin et al. [MUST2], PRC88 2013

d(8He,p)AHe @ 15 mev/nucleon … DWBA Optical Pot’ls: d+8He global parameters Daehnick et al p+9He systematics Koning+Delaroche Form Factors: Woods-Saxon with “Weak Binding” approx CCBA : d breakup only - d+8He CDCC DWBA & CCBA – N Keeley T Al Kalanee, J Gibelin et al., PRC88 2013

9He: C(11Be,8He+n) @ 35 MeV/nucleon [-2p] s-wave [as = -3 ~ 0 fm (3s)] + non-resonant continuum H Al Falou et al.

9He: p(11Li,8He+n) @ 280 MeV/nucleon [-1p-1n] [ Decay of 10He … ? ] GSI-LAND : HT Johansson, Yu. Aksyutina et al. (2010)

9He: “compare & contrast” … C(11Be,8He+n) Threshold ℓ=0 strength dominates … as  -3 fm d(8He,p) ℓ=0 very low yield … as ~ -12 fm [?] Can lower EB to improve matching (but … )

9He : d(8He,p) @ 25 MeV/nucleon → MS Golovkov et al., PRC76 (2007)

10Li: “compare & contrast” … d(9Li,p) C(11Be,9Li+n) d(9Li,p) : HB Jeppesen et al. [ISOLDE], PLB642 2006

when is “peak” a state ? … 9He: ab initio theory P Navratil – ECT* Nov 2013

n Spectroscopy of 18B : theshold s-wave strength … 19C  18B 1d3/2 Be(19C,17B+n) @ 62 MeV/nucleon C(19C,17B+n) @ 230 MeV/nucleon 1d3/2 2s1/2 1d5/2 1p1/2 1p3/2 A Spyrou et al., PLB (2010) 1s1/2 n p 1p3/2-1 n2s1/2 19C  18B s-wave virtual state as < -50fm + non resonant continuum S Leblond et al., NP1106-SAMURAI04

10Li: C(11Be,9Li+n) @ 35 MeV/nucleon [-1p] s-wave [as = -17±2 fm] + non-resonant continuum H Al Falou et al.

10Li: C(14B,9Li+n) @ 35 MeV/nucleon [-2p,-2n] s-wave [as = -10±2 fm] + p-wave [Er = 0.50, G0  0.50 MeV] + background [ Decay of 11Li* & 12Li … ? ] H Al Falou et al.

9He: C(14B,8He+n) @ 35 MeV/nucleon [-3p,-2n] s-wave [as = -3 ~ 0 fm] + p-wave [Er = 1.2, G0  1.0 MeV] + background [ Decay of 10He & 11He … ? ] H Al Falou et al.

Historical Interlude… … some cases accessible via heavy-ion multi-nucleon transfer & double-charge exchange from stable targets/beams → complex mechanisms, selectivity (ℓ>>0), complex spectra, …

9He : d(8He,p) @ 15 MeV/nucleon S Fortier et al., AIP Conf Proc 912 (2007)

9He: Summary … T Al Kalanee, J Gibelin et al., PRC88 2013

d(9Li,p) @ 2.36 mev/nucleon … CCBA CCBA – Antonio Moro TB Jeppesen et al. [ISOLDE], PLB642 2006