RESPECT is KEY To Achievement, Relationship, & Belonging Deborah Gilboa, M.D.
WHY RESPECT? Turns an obligation into an achievement Transforms interaction into relationship Gives an individual the certainty of belonging
RESPECT WHAT IS IT? Recognizing worth or excellence Showing regard or consideration Impossible to give if you don’t have any Crucial for success.
RESPECT MEANS HONORING… Oneself Others’ Needs Roles Personality Differences Obligations Priorities Boundaries!
RESPECT REQUIRES COMMUNICATION Tone of voice. Titles of respect. Eye contact Body Language Privacy Look up and around
WORK TEACHES RESPECT Chores Culture change Understanding adult work Boundaries!
RESPECT YMCA TEACHES IT Participation Communication Manners Jobs Homework Physical boundaries Kids show respect by imitating.
BEHAVIOR CHANGE Change the reaction.
ALL YOU NEED IS A PLAN 1. Do it. 2. Name it. 3. Find it. 4. Praise it.
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