Planned Maintenance System FeedBack Report Process Don Morrison – NAVSEALOGCEN DET San Diego
PMS FBR Process PMS FeedBack Report (FBR) submission is one of the following methods: SKED Feedback Report Wizard PMS Web Site ( Direct access to PMSMIS (2 methods) * Feedback Report Wizard * Submit Feedback 4790.7B Paper Form PMSMIS Jacksonville (WEB) Address
Using SKED for FBRs Using the SKED FBR Wizard, a sailor can fill out an FBR with greater accuracy. If they start from the Quarterly schedule, and select the MRC check in question, all the MRC data is automatically populated. All they fill in is the discrepancy information.
PMS Statistics Number of commands performing ISEA function in support of PMS FBR Program 57 Total number of codes within those commands providing support of PMS FBR Program 141 ISEA location with the most codes – SPAWAR San Diego – 18 Number of unique items listed in the current SPMIG database as Test Equipment – 374 Number of unique items listed in the current SPMIG database as with a SCAT code - 253
PMS MIS Electronic Feedback Report Flow Process (Current)
PMS The PMS MIS Electronic Feedback Report Flow Process (Current) shown on previous slide identifies the path a FeedBack Report follows in the current structure: Under ideal conditions, an FBR can be processed in under 24 hours to meet the goal established in NAVSEAINST 4790.8B Only allows for a single ISEA to process an FBR with no method to track time an FBR is at another activity from which the primary ISEA may require assistance The PMS MIS Electronic Feedback Report Flow Process (Proposed) shown on the next slide identifies the path a FeedBack Report would follow in a revised structure: Under ideal conditions, an FBR can still be processed in under 24 hours to meet the goal established in NAVSEAINST 4790.8B Allows an ISEA “hand-off” an FBR when outside assistance is required to resolve FBR issue Time at each ISEA/activity is tracked separately Timeframes shown on the proposed structure are maximum times allowed before a delinquent report is generated to that ISEA/activity
PMS MIS Electronic Feedback Report Flow Process (Proposed)
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