EQUIPMENT AND GENERAL FEEDBACK The Iron Gym membership total for April 2018 stand at 251 (March = 246) members. We had actually 10 new members joining this month, (I think this is very good for this time of the year) but also 5 members cancelled due to the fact that they left the mine. That left us with an increase of 5 members. I did change the project charter to 270 members. We did initially work on 300 members, and I think to be more realistic in terms of the number of people on Khumani mine (+-3000) a safer goal to work on is 270 members (3000 x 9% = 270). Normally in the private sector one can use a percentage of 8-10% of the population will join a gym facility. I think it is safe in a mine industry if we work on 9%. The total booking sessions of 286 and attendance sessions of 282 are quite less than in March and Feb, but this is due to darker mornings and the fact that it gets darker earlier. Our pending members are at 24%, still under our previous target of 25%! The instructors involvement in rehab sessions and educational sessions for March was 32 hours! The leg press/Squat machine finally arrived and the risk analysis was done on it as well as the members signed it, therefore it is in use and members enjoying the new machine. No Property damage/losses in gym equipment for April 2018.
COMPLAINTS, SUGGESTIONS AND MEDICAL SCREENING No persons were refer to their private doctors for clearance to exercise in April. The number of rehabs this month was 17. We had a gym survey done for April, and the results will be discussed in a separate report as usual We also await good information from the 2018 KABP survey that was conducted. There were a few questions that we could use in our planning of possible new expansions and services.
Khumani Fitness Centre Members Month Total Members Registered Total Rehab's (Members) Total Booked Sessions (Rehab's) Number of Sessions Attended (Members) Number of Sessions Attended (Members) Number of Sessions Not Attended (Members+Rehab's) Average booked Sessions /Day (Members+Rehab's) Average booked Sessions/Week Target on total of 300 Members Aug-17 201 17 281 139 276 5 21 105 67% Sep-17 203 11 217 107 209 8 16 81 68% Oct-17 211 7 329 42 327 2 82 70% Nov-17 225 425 72 414 12 25 124 75% Dec-17 227 110 84 76% Jan-18 240 450 64 437 13 26 129 80% Feb-18 246 579 97 575 4 34 169 82% Mar-18 19 346 112 336 10 22 Apr-18 251 286 119 282 100 84% May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18
SLOTS WITH NO BOOKINGS Most of our slots are booked at some time during the month! The afternoon/evening slots was not as busy as in summer months. As mentioned before it is getting more quite now approaching the colder months and shorter days Our most quiet session is still the Friday afternoon slots from 16h00.
SUMMARY OF BOOKINGS AND ATTENDANCE Khumani Fitness Centre Members Month % Member with Access % Active Training Members % Members Pending Sessions Not Attended Total Sessions Attended Aug-17 62% 46% 38% 2% 98% Sep-17 67% 47% 33% 4% 96% Oct-17 71% 48% 29% 1% 99% Nov-17 70% 51% 30% 3% 97% Dec-17 50% Jan-18 Feb-18 75% 52% 25% Mar-18 76% 23% Apr-18 24% May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18
GOALS FOR MAY 2018 Winter is here! During winter months people struggle with eating habits. Our talk topic for May is: “May day, May day, my plane is going down!! I need a eating plan!” We are going to focus on a good eating plan during the colder months to keep the weight on track! Keep the pending members under 25%. Stay visible to potential members with our talk topics and also encourage people to join by giving out a handout to every new joining member.