2010 February 11 - L. Dobson, Librarian Gned 500 Research Resources & Search Strategies C. Castell, Instructor 2010 February 11 - L. Dobson, Librarian
Your student card = your library card once activated with library staff
Ashtonbee Library 2 group study rooms (in the computer lab across the hall from the Library) Book these rooms at the Library Service Desk, Room A-105
Global Citizenship SUBJECT GUIDE
Research & Writing Help – RefWorks bibliography & citation manager
Research & Writing Help – APA Style
Examples of APA style – 6th ed Examples of APA style – 6th ed. (Source: Seneca College Library website) Note: DOI = Digital Object Identifier (“new” in 6th ed)
Library Classes Handouts Blog Did you attend a library class? Check the blog for copies of the handouts and possibly some extra advice from the librarian who taught your class. GNED 500 library classes handouts & presentation material
Proposal for Social Change Assignment Research Sources Proposal for Social Change Assignment
What newspapers offer… e.g. in Lexis Nexis, CPI.Q databases, etc. Current info – news! Hot topics Debates, different viewpoints & opinions Analysis & background info Tips on research studies, government policies & other publications
E-resources at Centennial Libraries Over 100 databases for newspaper & journal articles etc. from reliable sources Search One at a time Many at one time using vendor aggregators – see list to the right…► ► ► Almost all at once through BIG search Slide 4 Why are library skills important? You need to get info from the library for some of your assignments You will have information needs throughout your whole life – the library can help you develop your research skills You save time doing your assignments if you know how to use the library 7 Sept 2005 15 15
A word about e-resources… Licensed electronic resources that let you search hundreds of thousands of articles at one time Offer tools for precision searching (can save you time) Content is commercial free and more consistently scholarly & reliable than the Internet
Journal articles: scholarly or general level? Scholarly articles are documented (in-text citations, footnotes or endnotes). Most are peer reviewed = highest research quality General articles are not documented 18 18
See handout for some examples Internet sites Government sites – including Statistics Canada Non-profit community organization sites University & college sites Etc. See handout for some examples of reliable websites
What’s your source? I already diagnosed myself on the Internet. I’m only here for a 2nd opinion. 21
Trustworthy websites? 1. Authoritative? 2. Accurate? 3. Current? 4. Objective?
a 10-minute av program, Evaluate Web Pages Wolfgram Memorial Library, Widener University (Chester, Pennsylvania) – a 10-minute av program, Evaluate Web Pages http://www3.widener.edu/Academics/Libraries/Wolfgram_Memorial_Library/Evaluate_Web_Pages/659/
Ithaca College Library (Ithaca, New York) Website evaluation exercises http://www.ithaca.edu/library/training/think7.html
A word about Statistics ESTAT: an e-resource (database) popular data from Statistics Canada Statistics Canada (Internet website) Much is free, some are fee-based. Do not pay for Stats Canada data –ESTAT or other sources may provide free data Many other sources… Ask the Library staff for help 27
York University Libraries offer a lot of help on using Canadian statistical sources. York University Libraries homepage: http://www.library.yorku.ca/ Click on “Resources” ---Statistical data…
Books & Encyclopedias… Provide … Background information Overview (“the big picture”) Use… Library catalogue Encyclopedia Britannica Online & Credo Reference databases Etc.
Strategy ..
Map out a keyword search strategy Identify the key concepts in your topic Think of additional keywords and phrases for these concepts that you may need to use when searching. For example: Example: keywords to describe the concept, global warming? Global warming or greenhouse effect or air pollution (etc.)
AND (Boolean operator that combines) e.g. communication AND business 39 39
OR (Boolean operator the collects) 40 40