Mrs. Perry’s Second Grade Class Crowders Creek Elementary 2018-2019
About Mrs. Perry I live in Rock Hill but grew up in Clover I attended Anderson University I am married to my husband, Jason We have one child, Madelyn (3) I love spending time with my family and friends Some of my favorite hobbies include shopping, drinking coffee, and cooking
Things to Know Here are a few things to help us get started with our year. It’s a lot of information, but don’t stress it! I’ll include the information on the school website in case you want to review it later!
Transportation *Students will wear stickers the first 3 days of school. *All transportation must be submitted in writing, and change requests must be submitted and received by 10:00 a.m. It must also include your child’s first and last name, as well as the teacher’s name. *Changes are contingent upon the amount of available space on buses-NOT guaranteed… *Friends are not allowed to ride the bus home with friends on other buses, or at other bus stops. *Car tags are required for all students being picked up in the car rider line.
Lunch *Free and Reduced lunch applications are available if needed. *NO visitors for lunch until after Labor Day to help students build independence and get acclimated to procedures and expectations. *We will not be able to heat up food for students. *Students will be responsible for picking up after themselves, throwing their trash away, and lining up with their class... even if parents are at the table. *Primary - Be mindful of the lunches that are packed for your child... try to limit the objects that need to be opened by an adult and the amount of food packed. *Lunch policy- No buddies for eating lunch without written consent- note from the child’s parent or the parent is listed on the emergency contact card. *Everyone in the cafeteria is expected to follow cafeteria rules (lights out= no talking, lights on=inside voices)
Grading *assessments given in each subject *reading comprehension, Math for Today, spelling quizzes, reading tests *science and social studies: 1-Beginning 2-Developing 3-Meeting 4-Excels *Grading Scale: A - 90-100 B – 80-89 C – 70-79 D – 60-69 F – 59 and Below *Graded work will be sent home every Wednesday. Please sign that you saw/reviewed the grades and return by Friday.
Attendance *Absence excuses need to be turned in within 3 days. Please use the District Attendance Form. *(10 days... deaths, sick, vacation) *Administration does not approve family trips and if students miss days, it will count against their attendance. *K-5th students with 3 unexcused absences in a row, a total of 5 unexcused absences in a year, or more than 10 absences may be referred for truancy and/or grade failure.
Agenda/Handbook Student Handbooks/Agendas Student Handbooks are available and should be reviewed carefully (1 per family). Parents need to sign to verify that they have received their handbook. A calendar of CCE events for the school year is also included. Agendas are provided for students in grades 2-5 only.
Birthday Celebrations *In 1st-5th grade, we do not have birthday parties or treats for the class. *All students will be recognized on the morning news show and will receive a small gift.
Volunteers *All school volunteers and visitors must use the school check-in system EACH time they visit our school and wear sticker.
Field Trips A permission slip will need to be completed/received each time there is field trip. Field trip chaperones must use school check-in system and leave a copy of a valid driver’s license or state issued ID on file in the office.
Homework *All students will write down their homework daily in their agendas. Homework will also be posted on my Canvas website.
iPads! Technology Use *1:1 Initiative/Appropriate Use/Digital Citizenship *iPad pledge: We will review this as a class, sign it, and then parents will be asked to review and sign it as well
Water Bottle/Snack *Students are permitted to bring a water bottle to class if they choose; only water is allowed in the bottle. *We will have a working snack during the morning. *Please make sure if you choose to allow your child to bring a snack that it is: -healthy -not chips, cookies, or candy -easy for your child to open *Snacks will not be shared due to allergies.
Classroom Schedule 7:05 - School building opens 7:25 - Students report to classroom 7:35 – Instruction begins 8:35 - Specials Monday – Music Tuesday – Media Wednesday – Technology Thursday – Art Friday – PE 11:40- Recess 12:05 - Lunch 2:05 - Dismissal
Food Allergies/Health Concerns Martha Park is sending a letter that parents need to sign about food allergies and where they sit at lunch if they have an allergy. A doctor’s note will need to be provided stating the child has an allergy to food. Please make sure the parents of all students with health concerns meet with Nurse Park. We have a peanut allergy in our class. Please do not send in any nuts or peanut butter for our morning snack.
Notes and Money *Your child is responsible for unpacking his/her folder and giving all notes and money to me in our turn in box. *All money needs to be in an envelope or baggie with your child’s full legal name on it, my name, and what the money is for.
CANVAS Please check our canvas page for important events, announcements, homework, and more!
Emergency Info. Please fill out an Emergency Information sheet (front and back) and bring back to school A.S.A.P.
I would like for you to write me a letter about your child! Parent Homework I would like for you to write me a letter about your child! Tell me everything you feel that I need to know like: his/her interests hobbies activities reading and homework habits family relationships and experiences so far with school Include any other information that I should know in order to make this a successful year for your child. Please return by August 26th.
Thank you so much for coming! I look forward to a great year together! Before you go, please make sure to fill out and leave the transportation sheet and make sure you sign in! Rebecca Perry