A note from your teacher: Classroom News September 24th to 28th Ms. Klinger + ErikaKlinger@abington.k12.pa.us A peek at the week + Mark your calendar * Math: Playing Fishing for 10 My Reference Book, Quarters, and Math Boxes Even and Odd Number Patterns Skip-Counting Patterns Social Studies: People help communities Customs and Traditions Communication Arts: “Dogs” (Informational Text) Phonics, vocabulary, comprehension Writing: Narrative: Description Grammar: Kinds of Sentences 9/24-Open House 9/27-Picture Day Spelling words: 1. cake 7. prize 2. mine 8. wipe 3. plate 9. race 4. size 10. line 5. ate 11. pile 6. grape 12. rake A note from your teacher: r Tonight is Open House! I look forward to meeting all of you! Please make sure you are removing any classwork that is sent home in the Homework Folder! Thank you z Have a great week!