AMBRIDGE AREA HIGH SCHOOL Ambridge, Pennsylvania November 29, 2006 Brandon McKee Construction Management
SITE OVERVIEW Building adjacent to existing school 245,325 SF Construction cost - $39.2 million
Greening Public Schools Critical Issues Research Identify barriers to green school design from both school district and designer point of view Compare needs of initial vs. lifecycle costs Develop LEED point list from owner desires and designer suggestions
Precast Panels vs. Brick Examine erection time of two methods Compare lead time of methods Explore benefits of precast for LEED design Possible increased energy efficiency Identify methods to make greener schools and lower operation costs Reduction in mason scaffolding allows other shell trades to begin earlier
Extreme Schedule Acceleration 24 month schedule delayed Scheduled for occupancy Jan. 2008 Middle of school year Reduce schedule for occupancy Sept. 2007 Beginning of school year Examine steel erection sequence and methods GC cost reduction vs. accelerated steel erection costs
Green Roof vs. EPDM Incorporate a green roof to part or whole of roof area Study its effect on heating/cooling loads/mechanical equipment size Examine LEED point addition Possible incorporation as educational tool