Global Changes in Climate Atmospheric effect Global Changes in Climate
Fig 9
Redistributing Energy from the Sun
Differential heating of Earth
Temperature at Surface
Fig. 8C.
Evaporation minus Precipitation
Circulation Effect on Energy Balance
Wind-driven surface ocean circulation
Salinity at Surface
Density of Water Ocean is stratified Density increases with increasing salt content Density increases with decreasing temperature Temperature and salinity are set at the surface and are “conserved” in the deep ocean The ocean’s deep waters are COLD and thus deep waters were last at the surface at high latitudes At high latitudes, cooling is important for increasing water density and sending it to the bottom The “great ocean conveyor” acts as a giant heat pump in the Northern Atlantic
Fig. 14.6A
Atmosphere-Ocean Organization ENSO NAO
Normal State of the Pacific Fig. 18.
El Niño State of Pacific Fig. 19.
Ocean Response to Atmospheric Circulation Fig. 7. Winds cause a general westward motion of tropical surface waters Winds also cause the warmest waters to “pile up” at the western Pacific (western Pacific warm pool)
El Niño, after Ropelewski and Halpert 1987, MWR, 1606-1626. Regions with consistent precipitation anomalies associated with El Niño, after Ropelewski and Halpert 1987, MWR, 1606-1626.
Natural Causes of Climate Change on Long Timescales
Geometry of Earth’s orbital variations and tilt
60°N summer insolation minima coincide with glaciations
The Carbon Cycle Fig. 18.15
Plate Tectonics
Modern distribution of continents Pangaea ~250 Ma Modern distribution of continents
Before uplift After uplift
Effect of uplift on climate
d18O d13C 10 20 30 Age (Ma) 40 50 60 70 Zachos et al., 2001
Inferring climate change far back in time Proxies Inferring climate change far back in time
What would we like to know? Temperature Rainfall Evaporation Seasons Winds Ocean currents Deep ocean overturning