The ABC’s of Mr. G’s Classroom An Instructional guide to surviving your year with Mr. Gillis
Classroom Expectations A. Attend Success will only happen if you’re in class on a regular basis Operational Policy (5-10-15 days) B. Be Prepared Textbook, notebook, pen/pencil, agenda, calculator Collateral Noted on SAS C. Computer Laptops Assigned laptops Appropriate use and penalties D. Dismissal Remain in seats Don’t bug Mr. G about the time
Classroom Expectations E. Extra Help Times Breaks, Lunches, After school (except Friday) Give me the heads up / car pool Your decision F. Fire Alarms / LOCKDOWN Fire Alarm / Lockdown Procedures G. General Program Adaptations Modifications H. Hand “Talk to the Hand”
Classroom Expectations I. “I am ready to begin” Instructional materials, writing device, Attendance J. Join a school group athletics, student council, book, etc. K. Kaden / Noah What’s important? L. Late Policy- Math/Science Late Assignment Policy Work needs to be handed in by the deadline. It is understood that sometimes, due to circumstances outside the student’s control, the deadline may be extended. It is the responsibility of the student to discuss alternate arrangements with the teacher.
Classroom Expectations M. Morell High School Rules Outside classroom, smoking, drugs, fighting, hats, electronic devices, skipping N. Name Teacher- Mr. Gillis, Mr. G, etc. (respectful) Student- Surname, Preferences O. OFFICE Inner / Outer / Principal’s (Reasons for each) P. Prejudice Non-tolerance
Classroom Expectations Q. QUIET Reading period ? Science question R. RESPECT Respect other students/property Respect teacher/property S. SEATING Seating Arrangement Movement T. TARDINESS (Being Late) Life happens (office note) Late Policy (Green vs Blue note)
Classroom Expectations U. Unhandinable Major Projects (not assignments) 2 weeks before final exam V. Volition You’re responsible for getting info/notes/ tests/assignments/projects on missed days W. Washroom Breaks Appropriate times (not 1st or last 15 minutes) Number of times? Issues? X. Xcessive Whining I am a donkey.
Classroom Expectations Y. You are having a bad day. Inform me Z. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ…….. No sleeping in class