Time table for revision of the NECD


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Presentation transcript:

Time table for revision of the NECD NEC-PI meeting 12 – 13 July 2006

Legal text Issues: Emission ceilings for SO2, NOx, VOC’s, NH3 and primary PM2.5 for 2020 Ship emissions Control area’s Reporting emission inventories and projections Comitology

Impact Assessment Detailed Impact Assessment as announced in Thematic Strategy Assessment of administrative costs Public stakeholder consultation not needed

Milestones Technical work 29/9 Baseline presentation at workshop open for Member States and stakeholders Oct - Nov 2006 - model runs Jan – March 2007 - additional/sensitivity runs April – May 2007 - 2020 NEC’s Legal text + Impact Assessment June 2007 Proposal into ISC

Dates 29 September 2006 Workshop (NEC PI meeting) 18 December 2006 NECD Inter-service Group 18-19 December 2006 NEC-PI Working Group 21 March 2007 NECD Inter-service Group 21-22 March 2007 NEC-PI Working Group 23 May 2007 NECD Inter-service Group 23-24 May 2007 NEC-PI Working Group

NEC-PI meeting 3 – 4 October 2006 Cancelled as such, but: There will be a workshop on 29/9 Items foreseen for 4 October 2006 will be discussed at the meeting of 13-14 December 2006 Items with regard to legal/technical structure (foreseen for 3 October 2006) will be discussed first internally, possible agenda item for March or May 2006

Agenda NEC-PI 18-19 December 2006 Items: IAM results which reproduce the policy scenarios used for the Thematic Strategy Ship emissions City Delta 3 Optimal Control Area’s Non technical measures

Agenda NEC-PI 21 – 22 March 2007 Items: Results of runs for certain sensitivity cases Assessing National Programmes (to be used again in revised NECD/) Reporting obligations for emission inventories and projections Other legal/technical structure NECD (poss.)

Agenda NEC-PI 23 – 24 May 2007 All remaining items

Milestones Technical work 29/9 Baseline presentation at workshop open for Member States and stakeholders Oct - Nov 2006 - model runs Jan – March 2007 - additional/sensitivity runs April – May 2007 - 2020 NEC’s Legal text + Impact Assessment June 2007 Proposal into ISC

Optimal Control Area’s NEC-PI meeting 12 – 13 July 2006

Purpose The purpose of the proposed study is to determine optimal control areas with regard to the protection of soils, lakes and vegetation from ground-level ozone, acidification and eutrophication. In practice the study is about the emission reductions of SO2 and NOx Optimal control area’s can be used for different policy instruments: emission trading is (just) one of these.

Approach determine the effect of local emission changes on the integrated (over Europe) change in AAE-acidification, AAE-euthrophication, AOT40F construct equivalency maps over Europe expressed in effect/kg calculate effects and costs for three different options

The effect (%) per grid cell of changing the integrated AAE The effect (%) per grid cell of changing the integrated AAE. All grid cells together are 100%

The effect per tonne on AAE-Eu expressed with respect to the average effect

Finalizing the study Interim report will be available next week Peer review by experts 1 September 2006 Draft final report by middle of October 2006 Study finalized by middle of November 2006 Results will be presented at NEC-PI 13-14 December 2006

Revision of EMEP/Corinair Guidebook NEC-PI meeting 12 – 13 July 2006

Revision of EMEP/Corinair Guidebook A complete and up to date EMEP/CORINAIR guidebook is very important both for the implementation of the current National Emission Ceilings Directive as well as for the adoption of the proposal for the revised NEC Directive Close cooperation between DG ENV- EEA and CLTRAP bodies Work burden mainly for external contractor and funded by European Commission Work plan to be presented at TFEIP in October 2006 Final approval by EB December 2008 and Council by comitology EEA will edit and host guidebook at their website

Revision of Guidebook Structure A way to meet the guidebook’s objective and the key functions is to develop a systematically tiered structure and separate textual information from numerical information The numerical information could be placed in an EFDB providing several values of default emission factors related to ranges of process conditions and abatement technologies. Pilot for EFDB is implemented under the work plan of ETC ACCC Use of the EFDB also has aspects related to adoption of the Guidebook that needs to be addressed

Revision of Guidebook Coverage Complementary to 2006 IPPC Guidelines Chapters on Good practice Methodological choice, inventory strategy and key source analysis Data collection issues QA/QC Uncertainties Time series consistency Inventory improvement programmes Projections Spatial emission inventories (50x50 km) Measurement methodologies and standardized approach guidance Coverage of all CLTRAP and NECD pollutants, including PM2.5 Coverage of all source categories as defined in LTRAP reporting Guidelines (NFR)

Revision of Guidebook Sectoral updates General: The update should be based on existing knowledge laid down in recent and reports or available from experts. This means that no additional research by the contractor will be needed. Already ongoing: Emission factors for PM2.5 (AEAT) In pipeline: European database for stocks of all types of vehicles Specific sectors: Combustion and industry Transport, in particular off-road sources Agriculture and nature

Revision of Guidebook Proces Proposal will be discussed at the TFEIP/EIONET meeting in November 2006 Contractor will start beginning 2007 Project will be made in close collaboration with TFEIP, and TFEIP will review the ”new guidebook” befor adoption in 2008