GSFC SUPERVISORY FEEDBACK SYSTEM Employees Providing Feedback To Supervisors
GSFC SUPERVISORY FEEDBACK SYSTEM Introduction The Employee Supervisory Feedback System will be open for input Feb. 28 – Apr. 10, 2008 at Rate up to 3 supervisors including your matrixed manager
GSFC SUPERVISORY FEEDBACK SYSTEM Background The Center increasingly recognizes that supervisory skills are essential to motivating, developing and retaining a high quality workforce Supervisors need to be accountable for their supervisory responsibilities Employees expect a culture change that integrates and rewards effective supervisory skills
GSFC SUPERVISORY FEEDBACK SYSTEM Background (Cont.) The Promotion Redesign effort was committed to incorporating a mechanism for employee input to supervisory promotions It is important to employees (based on feedback in promotion redesign focus groups, advisory committee feedback, and culture survey analyses)
GSFC SUPERVISORY FEEDBACK SYSTEM Benefits of Feedback Heightened awareness by supervisors of their strengths as well as developmental needs Increased confidence by employees in responsiveness/effectiveness of supervisor
GSFC SUPERVISORY FEEDBACK SYSTEM Benefits of Feedback (Cont.) Increased awareness by supervisors of expectations of employees, managers, and GSFC leadership regarding supervisory performance Establishment of mutual feedback as a tool of team and managerial improvement
GSFC SUPERVISORY FEEDBACK SYSTEM Content of the Feedback Tool Supervisors will be evaluated on: – Organizational Communication – Diversity/Equal Opportunity (Respect and Inclusion) – Accountability – Teamwork – Human Resources Management – Change Orientation – Financial/Technical Management
GSFC SUPERVISORY FEEDBACK SYSTEM Implementation Stages of Implementation – 2001: Feedback is used for development – From 2002 Forward: Feedback linked to performance evaluation
GSFC SUPERVISORY FEEDBACK SYSTEM First Year The process was tiered so that the Senior level managers could model the process for their subordinate managers – Executive Council gave feedback to the Center Director who followed up by sharing the aggregated feedback with them and discussing plans to address issues. – Executive Council was then evaluated by their subordinates and so on It was not mandatory for employees receiving a feedback report to share it with their supervisor
GSFC SUPERVISORY FEEDBACK SYSTEM From 2002 Forward Everyone participates at the same time Employees are encouraged to give feedback to their matrixed manager and their direct supervisor. Supervisors receiving a feedback report will share it with their higher level supervisor. Management is responsible for coaching subordinate Supervisors on feedback interpretation and action planning.
GSFC SUPERVISORY FEEDBACK SYSTEM Administration Of Feedback Tool Employee participation in supervisory feedback process is voluntary and anonymous. All supervisors will participate in the supervisory feedback system (i.e., accept feedback) Results of feedback will be shared with the supervisors higher level supervisor Supervisors may voluntarily but are strongly encouraged to share results with employees.
GSFC SUPERVISORY FEEDBACK SYSTEM Impact of Results When Implemented As Part of Performance Evaluation The feedback results will be one element used by the supervisors manager in determining: – Job assignments – Performance Appraisal – Awards – Promotions – Training and development