Do you know your sentence types?
Can you remember the 4 sentence types? Quick recap Can you remember the 4 sentence types? statement exclamation command question
Statements I walked home. Write a statement on your whiteboard. They end with a full stop. Statements are usually subject- verb. Write a statement on your whiteboard.
Questions Can I have chips please? It will finish with a question mark. A question is verb- subject in order. Write a question on your whiteboard.
Exclamations What a lovely day! It will end with an exclamation mark. An exclamation will start with how or what. Write an exclamation on your whiteboard.
Commands Get out! Pass me your book. They can end with a full stop 0r exclamation mark depending on the tone of the sentence. Get out! Pass me your book. A command is often verb- subject. Write a command on your whiteboard.
Match… Are you going home? a) command Come here now! b) statement I like oranges. c) question How exciting! d) exclamation
Match… Are you going home? Question Come here now! Command I like oranges. Statement How exciting! Exclamation