Capítulo 1 Lección A Estructura: Punctuation Spanish Punctuation Capítulo 1 Lección A Estructura: Punctuation
Questions In Spanish, all questions have two question marks. At the beginning and at the end. The question mark in the beginning is an upside down question mark: ¿
Exclamations Exclamation remarks also have two exclamation points. One at the beginning and one at the end. The exclamation point in the beginning is written upside down: ¡
Other punctuation No other punctuation follows the rules of questions and exclamations. We don’t put two commas, nor two periods, nor two semi-colons before and after. .Otherwise it looks like this. ,which is very confusing to read,.
Examples ¡Hola! ¿Cómo te llamas?
What’s missing? Hola! ¿Y tú ¡Mucho gusto. Cómo se escribe Adiós!