You MUST have your profile in next week for PSHE. All Year Groups REMINDER: S3 Profiles Today is the last day for working on your profile in each of your classes. Make sure you have all the information you need. You MUST have your profile in next week for PSHE. Remember to collect/ bring in some of the examples of certificates/photos etc of your achievements both within school and outwith school for your folder. I don’t have a profile because I was off… Come and collect one from Ms Anderson in her room in Pastoral Care corridor.
Clubs Staff Fit-hoop 5 minute blast Miss Dickman Staff Only Daily, 12.40pm
Committees Fairtrade Committee Meeting When: Today (every Friday) Time: 1 pm Where: Mrs Kerr’s Maths room. Any new members welcome! Find out more from Mrs Kerr or Mrs Summers.
Get your Applications in to join your Credit Union! Bellahouston Academy’s Credit Union will be launched on 21st May 2014. An ideal way to get into the habit of saving money. Join now and get a ‘free’ £10 donation to your account! If you have not already joined and wish to do so (and it’s a really good idea to join if you can), please see Ms McLaughlin in Business Education Room 1 during Interval/Lunchtime. If you need another copy of the Application Form, please pick one up from Ms McLaughlin.