All cells contain chromosomes Chromosomes are made of DNA DNA contains the code for life All cells contain Chromosomes Chromosomes are made of DNA Sections of DNA which code for genetic information are called genes http://www.paternityexperts.com/images/DNA-of-life.jpg
DNA is made up of a series of monomers called NUCLEOTIDES
Each nucleotide has 3 parts A sugar called deoxyribose A phosphate molecule A nitrogenous base
Two kinds of bases The purines Have 2 rings in their structure Include adenine guanine http://www.cat.cc.md.us/courses/bio141/lecguide/unit4/genetics/DNA/RNA/images/u4fg10a.jpg
Two kinds of bases The pyrimidines Have 1 ring Include cytosine thymine thymine C H4 http://www.cat.cc.md.us/courses/bio141/lecguide/unit4/genetics/DNA/RNA/images/u4fg10a.jpg
The backbone of the DNA chain is formed by the Sugar Phosphate http://nanopedia.cwru.edu/image/DNA%20structure.jpg
The “rungs” of the ladder are made of bases A - T G - C http://nanopedia.cwru.edu/image/DNA%20structure.jpg The bases are held together by hydrogen bonds
The 2 DNA chains are joined together forming a http://nanopedia.cwru.edu/image/DNA%20structure.jpg Double helix
SELF TEST What two parts are the same in all nucleotides? Which two bases are purines? What holds the double helix together? Sugar and phosphate
BYE . . . .