Month of Momentum March 1, 2018 Welcome, agencies!


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Presentation transcript:

Month of Momentum March 1, 2018 Welcome, agencies! 👏🏼

Month of Momentum AGENDA Help you solidify your campaign plan Lucy Help you solidify your campaign plan Help you establish your story, audience, and channels Provide helpful resources Month of Momentum March 1, 2018

Things to consider when creating a road map to ensure steps to success Solidify your plan Things to consider when creating a road map to ensure steps to success

Plan your work. Work your plan. Save yourself time and stress. Think in mini-chunks vs. the entire month at a glance. Account for all scenarios (and budgets). Don’t forget about pre-messaging and follow-up thank you’s. Think about every detail of your plan

Get your entire organization on board. Create internal buildup and excitement between now and launch. Make weekly updates fun. Don’t put it all on your plate. Think about every detail of your plan

Think about every detail of your plan Set weekly mini-goals. Set goals based on budgets, timeline, dollars to raise. Aim for 30% of goal in the first week.

Using your digital marketing grant Determine what channel(s) will best support your objectives. What best supports the story you have to tell?

How to craft and share a meaningful, community-driven message Molly TELL YOUR STORY How to craft and share a meaningful, community-driven message

Make sure your campaign story answers three questions. Who will this project serve? What does success look like? Why should someone donate? You want to make sure your story is crystal clear by telling your donors why their donation makes a difference. Basically, how will their donation support those that your campaign is serving? What’s the ideal outcome?

Consider your language. Depending on who your audience is, the way you tell your story needs some consideration, too. The tone and voice of your story and all its related messaging will help make your campaign memorable and will also give your campaign leader consistency to lean on. For instance, you’ll want to decide if your tone of voice is serious and driven by statistical data. Or, you might decide to go a more relaxed route and even use memes or gifs to support your messaging. As long as it’s consistent and matches your organization’s identity, you probably already know the answer to what your tone of voice should be. Finally, you’ll want to make sure that tone of voice carries over to all your interaction points with your donors. By doing this, you have a better chance of resonating with them beyond the campaign itself. Consider your language. Tone of voice Engagement and interactions

Think of ways to creatively tell your campaign’s story. Consider targeted messages Consider unique ways to get engagement Video Encourage local support Get like-minded organizations to support your efforts Consider targeted messages: Say you have two different types of donors you typically interact with for your agency. Some might be older and more traditional; some might be younger and comfortable with social media. If that’s the case, you might have different messages to effectively reach both those audiences. Consider unique ways to get engagement: You should also think about cost-effective ways to get the word out about your campaign that stand out. Maybe it’s sidewalk chalk in your downtown that shows statistics about your cause and gives pedestrians passing by a way to donate. Maybe it’s a creative newsletter. Maybe it’s an event. Promoting your campaign really is an opportunity to look at new ways of reaching your audiences in ways that stand out to them. Encourage local support and getting like-minded organizations to support: Your campaign is also the perfect opportunity to have those in your sphere get involved and help you promote your cause.

Target your audience Determine your target audience and methods in which you can communicate with them.

Organize your lists. Email lists Donor lists Networking contacts Media relationships Volunteer lists Consider targeted messages: Say you have two different types of donors you typically interact with for your agency. Some might be older and more traditional; some might be younger and comfortable with social media. If that’s the case, you might have different messages to effectively reach both those audiences. Consider unique ways to get engagement: You should also think about cost-effective ways to get the word out about your campaign that stand out. Maybe it’s sidewalk chalk in your downtown that shows statistics about your cause and gives pedestrians passing by a way to donate. Maybe it’s a creative newsletter. Maybe it’s an event. Promoting your campaign really is an opportunity to look at new ways of reaching your audiences in ways that stand out to them. Encourage local support and getting like-minded organizations to support: Your campaign is also the perfect opportunity to have those in your sphere get involved and help you promote your cause.

Plan how you’ll connect with them. Plan out email blasts, blog posts, and press releases. Create a communication schedule and topic of message. Schedule, schedule, schedule. Consider targeted messages: Say you have two different types of donors you typically interact with for your agency. Some might be older and more traditional; some might be younger and comfortable with social media. If that’s the case, you might have different messages to effectively reach both those audiences. Consider unique ways to get engagement: You should also think about cost-effective ways to get the word out about your campaign that stand out. Maybe it’s sidewalk chalk in your downtown that shows statistics about your cause and gives pedestrians passing by a way to donate. Maybe it’s a creative newsletter. Maybe it’s an event. Promoting your campaign really is an opportunity to look at new ways of reaching your audiences in ways that stand out to them. Encourage local support and getting like-minded organizations to support: Your campaign is also the perfect opportunity to have those in your sphere get involved and help you promote your cause.

CHOOSE YOUR CHANNELS Plus, some tips on how to best communicate your story on these channels

Know a few Facebook post essentials. You can “boost” regular Facebook posts with your budget. You can also create promoted posts from scratch. Don’t rely on one or the other to get the word out; post regularly and take advantage of promotions!

A few social media tips and tricks will help you get the most out of your campaign. Avoid posting too much or too little; keep it consistent throughout. Post when your audience is online. Find out what’s working and what’s not as soon as possible.

WHAT DOES A GOOD FACEBOOK POST LOOK LIKE? Your campaign story that answers the three questions An enticing picture Clear calls to action The correct donation link

Depending on your audience, consider more traditional channels as well. Press releases Direct mail

Create an action plan for communication. Tie it all together Create an action plan for communication.

Tying it all together. Plot all communication on a calendar. Determine points of focus and create necessary content. Schedule posts when possible. Be clear about who is responsible for what.

These resources will help you polish up and execute your campaign. Helpful resources These resources will help you polish up and execute your campaign.



HELPFUL RESOURCES Apple iMovie for quick videos; find a quick tutorial here. Use MailChimp to easily design email communication. Canva is free for non-profits.

Download them all at Helpful resources Press Release Template Blog Post Template Editorial Calendar Template Facebook Post Guide Agency and MS Consulting Blocks Download them all at

AND NOW… …A few words from CFO!

CFO will provide… Blanket news media and social media promotion of Month of Momentum One social media post during the month specific to your agency’s project A $500 digital marketing grant Coaching and training (right now!) Technical support leading up to and during Month of Momentum

That’s it! Thanks, And good luck! 🤞🏼 Be sure to schedule your consulting meeting with Mostly Serious before heading out.