Autumn 1 Class 3 GEOGRAPHY


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Presentation transcript:

Autumn 1 Class 3 GEOGRAPHY We will be using maps and atlases to locate some key countries and cities. We will investigate the differences and similarities between the UK and countries that the Vikings came from. HISTORY This topic is history based and we will be studying the Vikings! We will investigate where they came from and why they came. An important part of our studies will be to explore life in Viking times and key events and people of the period. P.E This half term we are working on ball handling skills with Nottingham Forest . Autumn 1 Class 3 COMPUTING This half term our focus will be on using a simple coding program. LITERACY This half term a lot of our literacy work will be focused on our topics, including The Iron Man, by Ted Hughes. There will also be regular reading and spelling sessions. MATHS Our maths work will cover the usual range of topics including multiplication tables, problem solving, place value, ordering and rounding numbers. SCIENCE This half term we will be investigating magnetism. FRENCH We will be learning how to greet others.