Homework: Mrs. Williams’ Whiz Kids September 6th-9th, 2016 Reminders:


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Presentation transcript:

Homework: Mrs. Williams’ Whiz Kids September 6th-9th, 2016 Reminders: Sight Word List 1 : I AM WAS IN HIS AND ALL UP JUST What we are learning: Reading: Tt-Zz Classify and Categorize Sight Words: The, Little Language Arts: What we can do Math : Topic 2 Comparing and ordering 0 to 5 Science: How do forces and motions work? Social Studies: Community Helpers Sight Word Smarties! This is where we will celebrate who has passed their sight word list each week! I will be checking sight words each day. Way to go Whiz Kids! Remember, everyone must pass List 1 by September 16th. Issic Easton-List 1 Aliyah-List 1 Vanelle Aiden Karis-List 1 Kelsey Rey Lizzie-List 1 Natalie Jaden-List 1 Martin-List 1 Candace Dylan Jose Nadalee-List 1 Important Dates: MONDAYS: Ice Cream day for kindergarten. $.50 for cups $1.00 for specialty cones. September 9th -School Pictures  Progress reports go home September 16th-Back to school bash-$5 to participate September 22nd-Open House @ 6 September 23rd-Panther Pictures Homework: *Practice all letters and sounds nightly *Practice sight words nightly *Practice Recognizing numbers and counting to 20 nightly *Practice Lunch Number!! Your child will be using their lunch number to log in to the computer to do academic activities. Please make sure to practice lunch numbers! They will also begin using them in the lunch room this month. Reminders: *Please remember if you send money to LABEL what the money is for in an envelope or Ziploc Bag. *Parents if you could donate a morning snack such as animal crackers or goldfish, please let me know! *Please send in a Primary Writing Journal (K-2) for our morning writing work. These can be purchased at Walmart (blue cover). *We have a reading assessment every Friday. Please make sure you check your child’s graded papers on Monday! My contact information: 205-280-4820 mkwilliams@chilton.k12.al.us Please contact me if you have any questions!