Honors Day 6: Nonfiction Finish Birmingham Jail Who are Plato and Aristotle? TM notetaking Plato (Platonic) dialogue KWL (Burke 191) Outlining Homework: Aristotle reading
Rhetorical Analysis: “Letter from Birmingham Jail” Pick out King’s main idea. How does he support it? Identify (mark in your text) at least three examples each of: Logos Pathos Ethos What is King’s bias?
Discussion How effective are the different types of arguments in the essay? Give examples from history to support the quote: “We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed” (176).
The traditional outline has three sections: introduction, body, and conclusion. The basic model looks like this: Title Introduction The background The thesis statement Body First major category of support Supporting detail Second major category of support Third major category of support Conclusion Review of the major categories of support The answer, solution, or final option http://depts.gallaudet.edu/englishworks/writing/outline.html
Alcohol Testing for Mass Transportation Employees Example Alcohol Testing for Mass Transportation Employees Congress mandates testing for transportation employees Background on why Explanation of new policy How and why alcohol testing is used Circumstances for Alcohol Testing Pre-employment Post-accident Reasonable suspicion Random Return to duty/follow-up testing Method of Alcohol Testing Blood Urine Breath Performance Options for Alcohol Abusers Retesting Treatment Termination of employment Conclusion http://depts.gallaudet.edu/englishworks/writing/outline.html