Memo Report – 1 per TEAM (80 points) (Printed, max 5 pages, single space, min. 10 pt. font, 1” margins all sides, 1st person) Complete and stands on its own (includes objective, methodology, specific results, conclusions, recommendations). Begins with a header: To: From: Date: Subject: Concise Description of Experiment Objective The objective to be met is clearly defined. Remember, your report may go to the boss of your supervisor who does not know the details of the task. Therefore, be specific in details (e.g., “A 1-in aluminum rod was evaluated to assess whether the heat transfer will exceed 100 W”, not “a rod was evaluated”). State the constraints for which the solution is valid. Provide a brief summary of the experimental methodology used to obtain the results. Be clear enough that the reader can understand the general experiment.
Memo Report (Con’t) Provide a summary of the specific results along with statistical analyses. Write a few comments about the results (e.g. trends, agreement with literature, strange results, …). Do not just include your results without any comments or tables/graphs. Usually very little discussion of theory is included (except as needed to explain results, conclusions, or recommendations). State conclusions (with solution constraints- i.e. solution is valid for xx flow rates, etc.) and provide recommendations. The conclusions and recommendations should be based upon your results. Remember that the memo report must have continuity between all sections. This is not a cut-and-paste document. The memo is a document that you would give to a supervisor. Turned in with Appendix (Appendices)
Appendices – Separate Document (30 points) Formatted (paginated A1, A2, etc.): Appendix I – Raw Data; Appendix II – Theory; etc. or Appendix – A. Raw Data; B. Theory; etc. Title Page: Experiment Objective Team Members Date Sections: Raw Data/Data Collection 1 sentence log of daily activity – from Oct. 18 – Nov. 1 (5 days) Provide location of raw data Additional Theory Additional Results Additional Analyses