Daily Edit: Identify the following sentences as: Simple, Compound, Complex, and Compound Complex Andrew wanted to buy a razor scooter, but the store was sold out of scooters. Andrew walked to the store. After he realized that his mom wouldn’t drive him to the store, Andrew seriously reconsidered buying a razor scooter. After his long walk to the store, Andrew was disappointed to find they were out of razor scooters, but he vowed to return to the store when scooters were back in stock.
Target Marketing Share the example of Target marketing you focused on last night with your table group.
Share with a partner: what “target market” is your ad aiming for?
Guess the Interest Group
But Nazi Germany was not the only country using this technique
Propaganda Techniques Propaganda techniques and persuasive tactics are used to influence people to believe, buy or do something. As I go through each, check to see if your advertisement fits any of the following, or if you have heard any political commercials that use these
is an attack on a person instead of an issue. Name-Calling is an attack on a person instead of an issue.
Bandwagon tries to persuade the reader to do, think or buy something because it is popular or because “everyone” is doing it.
Red Herring is an attempt to distract the reader with details not relevant to the argument.
Emotional Appeal tries to persuade the reader by using words that appeal to the reader’s emotions instead of to logic or reason.
Testimonial attempts to persuade the reader by using a famous person to endorse a product or idea (for instance, the celebrity endorsement).
Repetition attempts to persuade the reader by repeating a message over and over again.
Sweeping Generalization (stereotyping) makes an oversimplified statement about a group based on limited information.
states a conclusion as part of the proof of the argument. Circular Argument states a conclusion as part of the proof of the argument.
Appeal to numbers, facts, or statistics attempts to persuade the reader by showing how many people think something is true.
What is your opinion on target marketing? In what situations is it positive or negative?
What does target marketing say about us as a culture?
Do you think target marketing is shaped by our culture, or that it works the other way around?
Write a summary of Hans’s backstory with a partner.
How does this experience shape Hans as a person?
How did this experience make him less vulnerable to the kind of propaganda that Adolf Hitler used to draw so many people to his side?
Consider the current political environment Consider the current political environment. What kind of markets are the candidates targeting? What life-experiences can we depend on to make ourselves immune to this kind of marketing so that we can make our decisions as informed citizens rather than as “categories”?
Homework Read p. 184-204