Wednesday, February 7th Day 2
Gavin 2 Jaydon JK
Senior Girls Basketball Congratulations to the Senior Girls Basketball Team on your stellar win against Viscount yesterday (28-13)!!! There were some beautiful passes, strong defence and several great plays!! GO WILDCATS!
CONGRATULATIONS to the Senior Boys Basketball team who DOMINATED once again in yesterday’s game against Hillcrest (30-8)! 6 and 0 boys!!!!! Playoffs here we come!!!
In the Gym NB #1 NB #2 After School -indoor track *bring permission forms NB #2 Primary Olympics After School
Team France (DeMille) vs Team Sweden (Crompton) Second Nutrition Break Grade 1 and 2 OLYMPIC INTRAMURALS STARTS TODAY Team France (DeMille) vs Team Sweden (Crompton) Second Nutrition Break Scooter Luge
In the Music Room NB #1 Open practice NB #2 Closed After School .
Today is Pizza Day
Library Club is cancelled this week
Have you checked out the Lost and Found bins in the library yet? Last Week! Have you checked out the Lost and Found bins in the library yet?
Winona Spirit Day Friday Feb 9th Kick Off for Wi Wear Red and White for Team Canada or Any Sports Jersey
Match the mascot to the Olympics Sochi, Russia Vancouver, Canada Turin, italy London, UK Rio, Brazil PyeongChang, South Korea Beijing, China Athens, Greece
Match the mascot to the Olympics PyeongChang Rio Sochi London Vancouver Beijing Turin Athens
Have a special day, Winona