CABA Forum, CABA Summits and CABA Outreach Program Decision required on: Hosting CABA Forum Hosting CABA Summits Launching a CABA Outreach Program
1. CABA Forum Positive Points Good profile and branding for CABA. The CABA Board meeting is collocated. There was a net revenue (approx. $37K US) this year (Due to Intel’s support and hosting in Silicon Valley). Brings both the “connected home and intelligent buildings” stakeholders together. Offers the opportunity to showcase CABA’s research and benefits to the industry.
1. CABA Forum B. Negative Points Despite Intel’s support and location, attendance has flat-lined (188) – only five (5) more delegates than 2016. It was expected that there would be 250+ delegates in 2017. The CABA Forum traditionally has a net financial loss. There are too many competing industry events. Some events directly compete with the CABA Forum, like CONNECTIONS, Realcomm/IBcon, etc. There is an estimated 2,000+ staff/volunteer hours required to organize and hold the CABA Forum.
CABA Connected Home Summit and CABA Intelligent Buildings Summit Positive Points CABA could hold one (1) day Summits (mini-CABA Forums). Collocated with major industry events. CABA Board meetings could be held with these Summits. Helps promote CABA profile, branding and research. There would be a balance between CABA’s “connected home and intelligent buildings” efforts.
CABA Connected Home Summit and CABA Intelligent Buildings Summit B. Negative Points Logistics of coordinating with other major events is more challenging. Expected attendance would be only 100+ per Summit. Revenue is expected to be breakeven. Sponsors and exhibitors would likely support the larger event. Staff and volunteer hours would be approximately 2,000+. CABA Board members attending the Board meeting, CABA Summit and the industry event would be out of the office for 3-5 days.
3. CABA Outreach Program Positive Points There would be six (6) targeted major events. To show balance – three (3) each of “connected homes and intelligent buildings”. CABA Board meetings would collocate with two (2) events. The expected audience reach is 2,000+. More industry professionals would be exposed to CABA branding, profile, research, etc. CABA staff and volunteer time would be approximately 1,400 hours. Sponsorship of receptions should be easier to obtain.
3. CABA Outreach Program B. Negative Points CABA would need to coordinate with events like: CES 2018, Realcomm/IBcon, AIA, IBS/KBIS, etc. CABA Board members would still “host and sponsor” the Board meetings and dinner. Some aspects of the CABA Forum (ie., Pitch Fest) may no longer be held. For those that liked the three (3) day CABA Forum, it would be suspended for at least one (1) year.
CABA Board of Directors’ Meetings Current Policy CABA Board meeting (face2face) – ½ day with CABA Forum. CABA Board meeting – Conference Call (1.5 hours in September 2017). CABA Board meeting (face2face) – full day in November 2017. - Hosted by a CABA Board member.
CABA Board of Directors’ Meetings B. Proposed Policy CABA Board meeting (face2face) – full day in January 2018. - collocate with CES 2018 or IBS/KBIS 2018. CABA Board meeting – Conference Call (1.5 hours in September 2018). CABA Board meeting (face2face) – full day in June 2018. - collocate with Realcomm/IBcon 2018.
Recommendations to the CABA Board of Directors That the CABA Outreach Program be created, with a one (1) year trial period. That the CABA Forum be suspended for one (1) year. That a CABA Outreach Advisory Board (COAB) be created, comprised mainly of CABA Board members. That the COAB have a mandate to set direction on which events to attend and to evaluate the results of this one (1) year trial period. That the COAB bring a report and recommendations to the CABA Board at their September 2018 meeting. That the CABA Board meeting dates be adjusted as outlined in slide 9.