E-government Working Group E-government in Finland Actual policy / main targets Information society programme Intersectoral policy programme Headed by Prime Minister Vanhanen Central-local goverment co-operation New working group constituted Most important building blocks/ implementation strategy XML-strategy Implementation starting Suomi.fi Portal for citizens Yrityssuomi.fi Portal for companies Main achievements All agencies and municipalities in the web Solid and up to date base registers 13/14 September E-government Working Group
E-government Working Group E-government in Finland Most beneficial e-government service / main benefits Tyvi One-stop reporting system for business to government Lomake.fi The citizen network form service Finlex.fi Database of Finnish acts and decrees available free-of-charge on the Internet Main challenges for the future Interoperability Make the most of base registers IT-architecture Get benefits from eGov and IT (€) Central-local goverment co-operation More transactional services 13/14 September E-government Working Group