Ohio CKI Club Treasurer Training


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Presentation transcript:

Ohio CKI Club Treasurer Training Governor Tyler Milburn 4/18/15

Treasurer Duties Monthly Report Forms (MRFs) Membership Update Center (MUC) Developing a club budget Tracking club finances Filing club taxes Fundraising General Board Member duties 12/2/2018

Monthly Report Forms (MRFs) MRFs are the main communication you will have with the district You will use them to track your finances, as well as Eliminate donations and fundraising See the following slides for general MRF use 12/2/2018

Monthly Report Forms (MRFs) Insert Club name Insert members added this month Insert total members Insert starting amount Insert amount for every used line Insert one revenue per line 12/2/2018 The totals will autosum

Monthly Report Forms (MRFs) Add one expense per line too Insert amount for every used line Revenue totals will autosum End of month balances autosum 12/2/2018

Monthly Report Forms (MRFs) Insert any donations Insert member-hours spent fundraising Totals will autosum Insert Eliminate Donations 12/2/2018

Monthly Report Forms (MRFs) Nominate a member of the month and explain why Let us know if you have any questions or concerns! 12/2/2018

Monthly Report Forms (MRFs) Enter your name and your president’s name Insert the date you complete the MRF Select the dropdown arrow and select the checked box when completed 12/2/2018

Monthly Report Forms (MRFs) Total members will continue each month Fundraising hours and Eliminate donations continue each month too Beginning balance carries on from the previous month 12/2/2018

Membership Update Center (MUC) Used to update your members each year and pay dues ($600 or $450 for international dues based on school size, $12/member for district dues) Request an account and you will be able to access your club once your advisor updates the officers See the following video for detailed instructions and a demo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tfAvudii-w 12/2/2018

Developing a club budget Developing a budget for your club will help you and the board make sure you aren’t losing money throughout the year and allow you to determine member dues Be sure to consider all forms of revenue (funds received from Kiwanis or your school, fundraisers, dues, etc.) and expenses (District and International dues, gas costs, reimbursements, supplies, etc.) Look at the final difference and estimate your members next year to determine what amount you need to charge for dues Don’t forget than your club owes either $600 or $450 in International dues as well as $12/member for District dues Follow your budget! If you aren’t following your budget, it doesn’t do your club any good An example budget form is provided on your Google Drive folder 12/2/2018

Tracking club finances When your club takes in revenue or has expenses, take detailed records These records can help you track how closely you are following your budget They also help next year’s Treasurer develop a budget as they can see what revenue and expenses actually occur each year You need financial records to file your club taxes! 12/2/2018

Filing club taxes You need to file club taxes each year to retain your 501(c)(4) nonprofit status You can find info about the 990-N e-postcard and file your taxes at this website You’ll need your club’s tax-year records, so either contact your past treasurer or use your club’s bank records With good finance tracking, filing club taxes is very easy, so keep your records up to date! Your club taxes are due the 15th of the 5th month after your tax year ends (so probably on May 15th) 12/2/2018

Fundraising Fundraising is important for raising funds for your clubs for club dues, as well as raising money for Eliminate and other organizations! There are many types of fundraising, which most examples are applicable to certain areas or universities based on size, so look around your community, talk to your sponsoring Kiwanis club, talk to your school, and more! See some example fundraisers in your Google Drive folder 12/2/2018

General Board Member duties Being on the board involves helping plan events, increase membership, and more Be sure to attend all board meetings so your officers can stay up to date on club events and club planning Present your club budget when finalized and remind people of budgets for planning events Work with your board members whenever they need help. You are a team! 12/2/2018

If you have any questions, feel free to contact District Secretary-Treasurer Lizzie at lizzieminotti13@gmail.com or I at milburn.3064@gmail.com 12/2/2018