CIS-Workshop on River Basin Management Plans What is a RBMP? CIS-Workshop on River Basin Management Plans ____________ Bonn 8 May 2006 Eric MULLER WATER DIRECTORATE
WFD: next steps RBMP - 2009 2004 Programme of measures - 2009 District characterisation Identification of significant issues What is a RBMP? Register of protected areas 8 may 2006 Update of the characterisation - 2013 Implementation Identification of missing datas Follow-up of measures efficiency Monitoring programme - 2006
WFD planning 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Characterisation report Draft RBMP Adoption of the RBMP What is a RBMP? 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 8 may 2006 Development of RBMP and programme of measures Public consultation Public consultation Consultation of local communities and stakeholders Consultation of local communities and stakeholders
Methodology for the development of RBMP: principles Link between characterisation report, significant issues and RBMP-PoM What is a RBMP? Identification of significant water management issues RBMP Characterisation report Register of protected areas 8 may 2006 Programme of measures The goal of the RBMP and PoM is to adress the significant water management issues PoM includes key actions to reach the objectives and is not exhaustive
Methodology for the development of RBMP: principles Iterative process: joint development of PoM and RBMP The objectives definition is based on technical and economical assessment of measures Involve local stakeholders in identification of measures and economical assessment Basin committee geographical commissions Local water commissions (sub-basin management plan) What is a RBMP? 8 may 2006
Geographical commissions Garonne district What is a RBMP? 8 may 2006 Source: Agence de l’eau Adour Garonne
Methodology for the development of RBMP 1 – Define the required measures to reach « good status » everywhere in 2015 Sub-basin level Based on the risk assessment List of possible measures What is a RBMP? 8 may 2006
2 – Define RBMP objectives Methodology for the development of RBMP 1 – Define the required measures to reach « good status » everywhere in 2015 List of measures 2 – Define RBMP objectives District level Assessment of technical and economical feasibility of measures and justifications : extended deadlines or less stringent objectives HMWB designation Draft programme of measures and linked environmental objectives What is a RBMP? 8 may 2006
2 – Define RBMP objectives Methodology for the development of RBMP 1 – Define the required measures to reach « good status » everywhere in 2015 List of measures 2 – Define RBMP objectives Assessment of technical and economical feasibility of measures and justifications : postponed deadlines or less stringent objectives HMWB designation Draft programme of measures and linked environmental objectives What is a RBMP? 3 – Consultations Draft RBMP Draft programme of measures Public consultation Consultation of local communities and stakeholders RBMP approval by competent authority 8 may 2006
RBMP contents Two parts SDAGE Supporting documents Main guidelines Summary of the characterisation report Protected areas Summary of the monitoring programme Summary of the programme of measures Register of more detailed programmes List of competent authorities … Main guidelines Legally binding provisions What is a RBMP? Other issues Quantitative objectives Floods Wetlands Drinking water security … WFD Environmental objectives (and associated justifications) HMWB / AWB (and associated justifications) 8 may 2006
Programme of measures SDAGE Programme of measures Measure: pragmatic action (regulatory order, financial tool, voluntary agreement…) whose purpose is to reach environmental objectives Significant issues What is a RBMP? SDAGE 8 may 2006 Main guidelines Objectives Exemple : OF : mieux gérer la rareté de l’eau en vue de satisfaire l’ensemble des usages D : dès qu’une bassin est équipé ou projette de s’équiper d’un ouvrage ou d’un ensemble d’ouvrage de retenue ayant une importance significative sur le régime des eaux, développer un SAGE destiné notamment à se prononcer sur le projet d’équipement et les objectifs de gestion des ouvrages existants ou futurs M : développer un SAGE sur le bassin XX d’ici 4 ans Autres exemples: Traiter l’azote à la station d’épuration d’Achères d’ici 2012 Réduire les valeurs limites d’émissions de cadmium sur le bassin YYY afin de respecter l’objectif de bon état (renvoi aux arrêtés icpe) Financement bonifié (+20%) aux économies d’eau en ZRE Increasing precision Provisions Programme of measures Measures
Tools for developing RBMP and PoM Methodology for the development of river basin management plans and programmes of measures Database of measures (thesaurus) Methodology for the designation of heavily modified water bodies Definition of “good status” (temporary values to be confirmed by the intercalibration) What is a RBMP? 8 may 2006
Thanks for your attention What is a RBMP? 8 may 2006 To learn more about WFD implementation in France: Official texts and methodologies National summary of characterisation report