Massachusetts Bay Colony 1630 Massachusetts Bay Colony J. Golden A. Hodge M. Phu B. Skibar
KEY TERMS John Winthrop Blue Laws Dominion of England Algonquian Narragansett Mohegan Pequot Wampanoag
History Year founded- 1630 Why?- The Puritans wanted to purify the Church of England Who?- The Massachusetts Bay Company which was strongly Puritans A Charter colony “City Upon a Hill”- to be an example for the rest of the world in rightful living
Government type Massachusetts Bay started the idea of democracy and theocracy in their governments John Winthrop was voted first Governor. The Blue Laws- Bible influenced laws Dominion of England
Economy Diverse economy Small farms- basic crops such as wheat, corn, and beans Maritime trade- furs,timber, the tar and pitch for shipbuilding, and rum. Fishing and small industries Conflict over economic prosperity
Culture “New England Way” People came with their full family Men were dominant Women had very few rights Children received schooling Salem Witch Trials (1692)
Religion PURITANS Model religious community “English Israel” They didn’t tolerate any other religion Religious freedoms were restricted Church Law=Civil Law Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur eleifend a diam quis suscipit. Fusce venenatis nunc ut lectus convallis, sit amet egestas mi rutrum. Maecenas molestie ultricies euismod. Morbi a rutrum nisl. Vestibulum laoreet enim id sem fermentum, sed aliquam arcu dictum. Donec ultrices diam sagittis nibh pellentesque eleifend.
Population 1630 there were 1,000 1750 there was 180,000 Mostly Puritans 100 - 120 Native Americans enslaved after the Pequot War.
Relationships with the Native Americans Algonquian Narragansett Mohegan Pequot Wampanoag Leading to the Pequot War 3 massacres in different Pequot Villages Killed more than 400 Pequot men, women and children in an hour of the 1 attack The remaining pequot were captured and sold as slaves or escaped Problem: Encroachment & Trade control
Review 1750 - Population of 180,000 people including Pequot slaves 1630s Founding of the Massachusetts Bay Colony 1630s John Winthrop stated the “City upon a hill” purpose Mid-1600s Puritans established the Blue Laws 1630s John Winthrop became governor 1692 Salem Witch Trials 1636-1637 Pequot War occured