Active Learning Technology-Enhanced Amber Sherman, ODEE Sam Craighead, ODEE Stephanie Rohdieck, UCAT
By the end of this session, participants will be able to… Choose one or more tech tools to enhance an active learning strategy in a course. Make initial planning decisions about your own implementation of the tool(s). Identify resources for technology services, training, and support. Workshop Resources
Active Learning …provides all students with the opportunities to practice, in low stakes but high impact ways, the skills and thinking processes they will need to successfully meet the learning objectives for the course.
The process of learning necessitates… transfer to new contexts low stakes practice challenge (with support) emotions meaningful relationships and patterns links to prior knowledge feedback identify flaws in thinking Social constructivism: knowledge cannot simply be transmitted from teachers to learners: learners must be engaged in constructing their own knowledge learner is encouraged to create the knowledge in her or his mind. In so doing, the learner becomes the “owner” of the knowledge. Such ownership In Press Journal of the Learning Sciences 4 Technology-Enabled Active Learning enables the learner to understand the knowledge in an intimate way that cannot be achieved by mere memorization In some cases, the information gathered by the constructivist learner fits nicely into her or his mental framework and poses no problem. Other cases, in which the mental framework is incapable of handling this new information, require that the learner take an active role in the learning process so as to adjust her or his cognitive framework to accommodate the new information. Social constructivist ideas enable one to investigate and support the notion that knowledge is not the property of individuals; rather it happens in a group setting, where knowledge is distributed and shared.
Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning Cognitive Domain Creating Generating new ideas, products, or ways of viewing things. Evaluating Justifying a decision or course of action. Analyzing Breaking information into parts to explore understandings and relationships. Applying Using information in another familiar situation. Understanding Explaining ideas or concepts. Remembering Recalling information. Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning Cognitive Domain Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create Brain-storming Think, Pair, Share Role Plays Concept Maps Peer Review iPads Jigsaw Categorizing Grid Case Studies Peer Instruction Debates Problem-based Learning Student-led Discussions Flipped Classroom Fish Bowl Gallery Walks Simulations Discussion
Remembering Skills Bookmarking Duplicating Labeling Recording Tabulating Visualizing Technologies Bookmark webpages Student Response Systems* Collaborative Notes* * TopHat, Box Notes
Understanding Skills Technologies Annotating Blogs* Converting Tweets Estimating Journaling Tagging Technologies Blogs* Tweets LMS discussion board* *, Carmen
Applying Skills Acting out Choosing Editing Presenting Uploading Technologies Simulations Video responses* Presentation apps* * Carmen, iPads, Explain Anything
Analyzing Skills Technologies Calculating Mind mapping apps* Illustrating Mind mapping Linking Outlining Questioning Technologies Mind mapping apps* Back-channel tweets LMS discussion board* Collaborative notes * * iPads, Carmen, Box Notes
Evaluating Skills Arguing Commenting Debating Posting Revising Scoring Reviewing Technologies Blogs* Peer review in LMS* Annotation apps* Collaborative notes* *, Carmen, iPad, Box Notes
Creating Skills Animating Filming Publishing Solving Writing Technologies Blogs* Videos* Podcasts* Wikis* *, Carmen, iPads, Carmen Wiki
Group Activity – Part 1 Introductions Choose a scribe Go to and find the Case Studies page Follow the prompts for the 2 case studies assigned to your group Use a marker board to write out your answers
Group Activity – Part 2 Join groups as noted on the board Identify someone with a laptop to be your scribe Choose someone from each group to recap your cases and answers On the workshop blog welcome page, find the Google doc link under Session Materials Fill in your answers in the tables provided
Debrief What tool and strategy did you choose and why? Did anyone use a tool or strategy that was not listed on the site?
Reflection Activity Use the next 5 minutes to think about how you could implement a tech tool for active learning in your class. Complete as much of the worksheet as you can.
Share out What do you see as your biggest challenge? Resources
Thank you!