Wallace Middle School School Store Some of the items you can purchase using your PAWS tickets include…
Pencil Case, 25 PAWS tickets
Earbuds, 40 PAWS tickets
Wallace Lanyard, 25 PAWS tickets Wallace Wristband, 15 PAWS tickets
Wallace T-Shirt, 100 PAWS tickets
4 Square Playground Ball, 45 PAWS tickets Nerf Mini Football, 25 PAWS tickets
Mini Spiral Notebook, 15 PAWS tickets
Mechanical Pencils, 15 PAWS tickets
Composition Book, 15 PAWS tickets
Highlighters, 15 PAWS tickets
Lunch Box, 50 PAWS tickets
Duffel Bag, 75 PAWS tickets
Mini Basketball Hoop Set, 60 PAWS tickets
Basketball, 60 PAWS tickets
Stuffed Animal, 25 PAWS tickets
Earn Those PAWS Tickets!!