OUR COMPANY Welcome to just Now Vending We have been operating in the vending industry since 1996 and have set up in excess of 1,000 operators serving some 20,000 machines Australia wide. Our operators are all supported by Just Now Vending’s complete “Business Start Up SystemTM” creating a truly profitable busi- ness, resulting in a fantastic lifestyle opportunity. Work the hours you want, when you want, because the machines all have Back to Base moni- toring so you know when to go and what stock items to take. It is truly a simple business that will fit into your lifestyle and provide you with an income that will allow you to do the things that you always wanted to do. Big Brands are Best Our dedication to our operators is unmatched and we know that a business development system from Just Now Vending, can be just the right business for you. Our long established wholesale partners such as Smiths, Schweppes, Coke, Nestle, Frucor and The Distributors offer a truly unique retailing opportunity that is highly profitable from day one with in excess of 100% profits and advertised nationally for FREE. You also get the benefits of their national advertising campaigns. I started with 5 machines earlier this year. Just Now Vending provided the locations and our business has grown dramatically in the four months my fiancee and I have been operating. Based on our current sales we will achieve a profit of around $28K this year which will help us towards a deposit on a house and pay our mortgage in years to come. I highly recommend Just Now Vending as a great way to achieve an additional income. Today Over 2 million people per day have access and enjoy convenience from a Just Now Vend- ing machine providing profits for our national team of independent vending machine owners. 50% of all owners with Just Now Vending are continually expanding their businesses. So we know that your success is our success and we are committed to providing the very best in technology, training and support. Shannon and Matt - North Western Sydney
OUR MARKET It’s just an application of common sense. 90% of all businesses are small with up to 30 employees. So a compact vending machine is the answer for the Australian market. There are thousands of locations available and our machine range is designed to create profits and provide convenience for staff and customers in all types of the workplace. In any Australian and New Zealand business district there is a mixture of large, medium and small business. Therefore, our unique equipment range is designed to fit all these locations. A Just Now Vending business system is not a package of one type of machine but a mixture of different sized/- style equipment to cater to all levels of business within an area. Locations We carefully select the right locations as part of your introduction to this fantastic industry. On any day our locators are negotiating premium loca- tions, ensuring ongoing support for our operators. We specialise in sourcing locations from a wide range of businesses and other venues. These can include, but are not limited to, Businesses, Hospitals, Schools, Colleges, Gyms, Trade Stores, Shopping Centres, Resorts, Hotels, Clubs, and Training Centres. There are many potential locations still available in all states of Australia and experienced site locators will secure them for you. Training Just Now Vending will provide you with a complete training program on how to run a vending business. Everything from the operation of the machine, troubleshooting minor problems and stacking the machine. We also train you in Stock Control and Ordering Procedures, Back to Base Mon- itoring, Customer Service and how to build the sales volume in your machines. Ongoing Support We assist all of our new operators in getting started with this professional business. You own the business and whilst we offer ongoing support, you are not tied to us in any way and are free to run the business the way you want to. There are no ongoing fees or royalties paid back to us. It is your business and your success is our success.
Small Businesses, smash repairs, motor mechanics, type shop etc. Packages 7 & 8 Media Combo Public Locations Business and large retail 100+ STAFF Media Combo Packages 7 & 8 Fast 1050 Business and Retail with space restrictions 60 - 100 STAFF Package 4, Fast 900 Medium Businesses + Factories, Warehouses, Offices 20 - 60 STAFF Packages 1, 2 & 3 Elettre Small Businesses, smash repairs, motor mechanics, type shop etc. Package One 5 - 20 STAFF
OUR PACKAGES 1 Keeping Busy Package Income Supplementer Package 3 5 x Fast 900 Medium Combo Machines 3 5 X Elettre Combo Machines $49225 inc GST 5 Small Elettre Combo machines, site locations, access to the Buying group, machine warranty, backup technical and business assistance and credit card reader included $54,725 inc GST 5 Faster 900 Medium Combo Machines, site locations, access to the Buying group, machine warranty, backup technical and business assistance and credit card reader included 2 Starter Package 3 x Fast 900 Combo Machines $32,835 inc GST 3 Fast 900 Medium Combo machines, site locations, access to the Buying group, machine warranty, backup technical and business assistance and credit card reader included Income Booster Package 5 x Fast 1050 Large Combo Machines 4 $60,225 inc GST 5 Fast 1050 Large Combo Machines, access to the Buying group, machine warranty, backup technical and business assistance and credit card reader included Small, Medium & Large machines come standard with Credit Card Readers, Bill Acceptors, Coin Mechanisms and Back to Base Monitoring.
OUR PACKAGES 5 Prestige Package The Professional Package 7 6 5 x Just Now Microwave Food Machines $74,250 inc GST 5 Just Now Microwave Food Machines site locations, access to the Buying group, machine warranty, and backup technical and business assistance The Professional Package 5 x Media Merchant Combo Machines 7 $74,250 inc GST 5 Media Merchant Multi Shopper Combo Machines, site locations, access to the Buying group, machine warranty, backup technical and business assistance 6 High Volume Package Income Booster Package 10 x Media Merchant Combo Machines $148,500 inc GST 10 Media Merchant Multi Shopper Combo Machines, site locations, access to the Buying group, machine warranty, backup technical 8 10 x Just Now Microwave Food Machines $148,500 inc GST 10 Just Now Microwave Food Machines, site locations, access to the Buying group, machine warranty, backup technical and business assistance and business assistance Medium & Large machines come standard with Credit Card Readers, Bill Acceptors, Coin Mechanisms and Back to Base Monitoring.
OUR PRODUCTS Full time – Part time – Business packages available. Your machinery investment is all about lifestyle and financial rewards. Here is an example of the profits in retailing our top selling products. Products Buy $1.01 | Sell $2.20 Buy $0.91 | Sell $2.00 Buy $1.00 | Sell $2.40 Profit $1.19 Profit $1.09 Profit $1.39 Buy $1.25 | Sell $2.50 Buy $1.86 Sell $3.50 Buy $0.97 | Sell $2.20 Buy $1.90 | Sell $3.80 Buy $1.15 | Sell $3.00 Buy $1.60 | Sell $3.20 Buy $1.20 | Sell $2.50 Buy $0.52 | Sell $1.50 Profit $1.25 Profit $1.64 Profit $1.23 Profit $1.90 Profit $1.85 Profit $1.60 Profit $1.30 Profit $0.98 Buy $0.52 | Sell $1.50 Buy $0.67 | Sell $1.50 Buy $2.20 | Sell $3.50 Buy $1.60 | Sell $3.20 Buy $0.47 | Sell $2.00 Profit $0.98 Profit $0.83 Profit $0.9 Profit $1.30 Profit $1.60 Profit $1.53 * Prices subject to change
YOUR SUCCESS We save you thousands per year! Our Australian and Overseas buying groups are the best in the industry and can achieve Gross profits of up to 70%. This means that for every $100 in sales you can make $70 in profits by utilising our buying groups. Just Now Buying Network Our Australian buying group is unsurpassed in the industry. Our suppliers provide a combination of great prices, rebates and monthly specials. All of this means that you get a better bottom line profit. Our Member Login section provides you will all the information you need to run your business. Insurance – Peace of Mind Our insurance privileges are the most comprehensive available and underwritten by CGU. This might sound like a simple thing but we have a policy that offers you the best rates in Australia saving you thousands per year.
WHAT IS NEXT? First Vending Business for You We recommend you speak with existing operators for their experience. Feel free to contact us on 0411 111568 and arrange a time to discuss how we can get you started on one of Australia’s most profitable business opportunities.