Lithuanian Trade Union Confederation (LPSK)
Within the Lithuanian territory of 65303 sq. km Within the Lithuanian territory of 65303 sq. km. live 2,8 million people. Around 92 % of population is employed and >7 % is unemployed
About LPSK/LTUC The Lithuanian Trade Union Confederation is the biggest trade union centre in Lithuania. It comprises 28 branch trade unions and has around 50.000 memebers. LPSK was set up on the 1st May 2002 after a merger of two trade unions centres: the Lithuanian Trade Union Unification (LPSS) and the Lithuanian Trade Union Centre (LPSC).
LPSK structure LPSK Congress (elected every 4 years) LPSK Council (meet at least twice a year) LPSK Board (meet at least once a month) LPSK Affiliates Regional/local trade unions
Mission To enlist, represent and protect the Lithuanian trade unions To influence governmental institutions on labour and social issues To develop solidarity and strengthen cooperation with trade unions in the region and globally
Strategic goals 2018-2022 Strengthening and expansion Protection of economic and social rights of LPSK members More significant influence on legislation More purposeful education for trade union members Active international activities
Trade union movement and membership I To seek unity of the Lithuanian trade unions and to develop a common trade union policy To build membership and to promote activity of tradeunionists To represent and protect legitimate interests of trade union members To spread information about trade unions and our activities through mass media
Trade union movement and membership II To promote establishment of LPSK regional structures To promote equal opportunities, with reference to the LPSK Youth and Women Centers activities To improve trade union image To organize actions on social, economic, work, employment and other questions
Protection of economic and social rights of LPSK members Protection of economic and social rights of LPSK members. Influence on legislation I To develop social partnership at all levels, take active part in the tripartite coordination and cooperation in order tackling social, economic and work problems To seek a pay rise and increase social benefits To promote conclusions of bilateral branch collective agreements To participate in the tripartite social dialogue institutions of the Republic of Lithuania
Protection of economic and social rights of LPSK members Protection of economic and social rights of LPSK members. Influence on legislation II To seek equal opportunities in workplace and by raising qualification To influence governmental institutions on migration policies, by reducing its consequences To influence Governments’ policy on reducing illegal work, “black” economy, poverty and inequality To secure a fair and public use of trade union property for the good of all trade union members
Protection of economic and social rights of LPSK members Protection of economic and social rights of LPSK members. Influence on legislation III To implement active lobbing work through the fractions of the Lithuanian Parliament and its members; present proposals for the Parliament and the Government regarding changes of laws and other legal acts, implementation of new projects.
Education of trade union members To organize conferences and seminars, implement explanatory-educative work for trade union members and employees To prepare a training program, methodical and other material To prepare and implement trade union members’ education and training projects To publish information and consultation information on trade union movement. To improve qualification and re-qualification system To promote lifelong learning
International activities I To participate in activities of the International Trade Union Confederation, Pan European Trade Union and European Trade Union Confederation To cooperate with the International Labour Organization (ILO), implementing International labour standards in Lithuania and by representing employees in the ILO To cooperate with trade unions from Nordic and European countries by seeking solidarity and social stability, based on free and equal human unity
International activities II To participate in the Baltic See Trade Union Network activities To participate in European economic and political integration, closely cooperate with the European Trade Union Confederation To seek support from the European Union structural funds for various groups of employees To represent the interests of Lithuanian employees’ and trade union members in the EU institutions
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