Unit 1- Introduction & Orientation 1-2 What is Journalism?
journalism What is Journalism? [jur-nl-iz-uh m] noun Visual Vocab noun 1. the occupation of reporting, writing, editing, photographing, or broadcasting news or of conducting any news organization as a business. 2. the press 3. a course of study preparing students for careers in reporting, writing, and editing for newspapers and magazines. Visual Vocab Say What!?! What is Journalism?
What’s the point of journalism? Role- To write and assemble news stories that will interest and inform their audience. Done so by gathering together a number of different sources Purpose- Provide unbiased information Keep audience informed so they can make decisions about their lives Purpose “... to provide citizens with the information they need to make the best possible decisions about their lives, their communities, their societies, and their governments.” -americanpressinstitute.org What’s the point of journalism?
Believe it or not… How has Journalism affected your life? (Hint- it does… even if you don’t realize it!!!) Think / Pair / Share Do you and/or your parents watch the news in the morning or evening? Read the Paper or magazines? Which ones? Do you talk about current events with friends or family? What about the upcoming election? How do you hear about things that are going on in our community, country, or world? Think / Pair / Share Believe it or not…
Why does it matter?!? Let’s Revisit… Journalism determines how we all live our lives! That’s powerful stuff!!! Welcome to the club!!! “… to provide citizens [YOU] with the information [YOU] need to make the best possible decisions about [YOUR] lives, [YOUR] communities, [YOUR] societies, and [YOUR] governments.” -americanpressinstitute.org Why does it matter?!?