This Week in Physiology Class meetings Lab Readings and chapter questions for Endocrinology Chpt 11 Sections A,B, & C for Wednesday. Frog behavior & reflex lab Intact Single pithed Double pithed
1QQ#6 10:30 Write A B C D E and circle the letter of each correct response. In the paper by King et al., A) Rice flour suppressed the secretion of FSH and LH. B) Supplemental andro is converted to estrogens. C) Resistance training in combination with Andro supplementation produced larger gains in muscle strength than resistance training alone. D) The manuscript was accepted for publication in several journals but the authors elected to have it published in JAMA. E) Grant proposals and research papers must include a description of the procedures and statements of purpose.
1QQ#7 10:30 Write A B C D E and circle the letter of each correct response. A) The catecholamine hormones are dissolved in the plasma. B) Steroid hormones are derivatives of tyrosine. C) Any newly discovered hormones will probably be amine hormones. D) The receptors for peptide hormones are typically located inside the target cell. E) Thyroid hormones and steroid hormones are transported as bound and free forms in the plasma.
1QQ#6 11:30 Write A B C D E and circle the letter of each correct response. In the paper by King et al., A) Andro supplementation suppressed the secretion of FSH and LH. B) The authors emphasize the hazardous effects of Andro supplementation on liver function and cholesterol metabolism. C) Resistance training in combination with Andro supplementation produced the same gains in muscle strength as resistance training alone. D) The manuscript was accepted for publication in several journals but the authors elected to have it published in JAMA. E) Grant proposals and research papers must include a description of the procedures and statements of purpose.
1QQ#7 11:30 Write A B C D E and circle the letter of each correct response. A) The catecholamine hormones are bound to proteins in the plasma. B) Peptide hormones are derivatives of tyrosine. C) Any newly discovered hormones will probably be peptide hromones. D) The receptors for peptide hormones are typically located inside the target cell. E) Thyroid hormones and steroid hormones are transported as bound and free forms in the plasma.
Steroid hormones Fig. 11.03 not soluble in plasma, not storable in vesicles Bound & Free 11.03.jpg Target cells have intracellular receptors, some on cell membrane. Change gene expression. Timecourse: longer latency, longer lasting.
The Adrenal Glands: Cortex and Medulla
Fig. 11.05 Steroids Adrenal Gland 11.05.jpg Catecholamines Part of Sympathetic Nervous System
Explain why a given cell produces one category of steroid hormones and no others. = Aromatase
What happens to hormones once released? Be able to give Examples. Ex: Renin Fast if free Slow if bound T4 to T3 and Testosterone to Estradiol
RAAS Board Diagram Textbook p 497-498 Renin: a very special “hormone” RAAS Board Diagram Textbook p 497-498
Factors that affect hormone secretion Na+, K+, Ca++, Glucose, etc. NE, ACh, etc. Incretins, EPI, DA, etc. Integrator! 11.09.jpg Recall example: beta cells of Islets of Langerhans Secretion is usually pulsative, may be diurnal.
Fig. 11.12a S3 Receives input from many regions of brain; many factors Affect its function Homeostatsis center. 11.12a.jpg
6 Fig. 11.12b S4 Neurohypophysis Adenohypophysis 11.12b.jpg 6 Vasopressin (= Antidiuretic hormone) Oxytocin
Tropic hormones control the function Trophic hormones promote survival and growth of targets S 6 Hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal system 11.17.jpg