Verification of Military Experience and Training (VMET) DD Form 2586
Resources Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC): 1-800-727-3677
What is VMET Translates military experience and training(courses completed) into civilian terminology Assist in writing resumes/Job Applications Interviewing for jobs Negotiating credits of schools and obtaining licenses and certificates
How can I find my VMET? CAC, DS Logon or DFAS mypay pin Members can electronically download and print VMET documents (cover letter and VMET)
VMET DATA Experience History Navy Enlisted Classification (NECs) Training Language Proficiencies
When do I need VMET Recommend documents are downloaded and printed at least 120 days before Separation Date Prior to attending TGPS Course To assist with writing resume
How do I update my VMET? The VMET document you are able to download IS the most updated VMET documents are updated quarterly around January, April, July, and October every year for the previous fiscal quarter However, you won't see today's date on your VMET document or the date that VMET was updated - the date you will see is the day after the last fiscal quarter
How do I fix errors on VMET? Confirm the errors are real errors Confirm the missing/erroneous information is in your electronic military record from For information missing from your electronic military record, talk to your personnel office or CCC Contact the Transition Helpdesk from this website and report your specific case
Summary and Review DD form 2586 is? What does VMET help you with? When should you print/download your VMET?