Focus on the goal. Voc. Unit 3 Ms. B. Wulchak
Articulate (v., adj.) - (v.) to pronounce distinctly; express well in words; (adj.) expressed clearly and forcefully; able to employ language clearly and forcefully; jointed. The class president articulated her hopes to present the students’ views to the principal.
Cavort (v. ) --To romp or prance around exuberantly; to make merry Cavort (v.) --To romp or prance around exuberantly; to make merry. --Porpoises cavorted in the bay.
Credence (n. ) --belief , mental acceptance Credence (n.) --belief , mental acceptance. --Based on scientific evidence, I give credence to the idea of global warming.
Decry (v.) --to condemn, express strong disapproval; to officially deprecate. -- We decry government bail outs for banks.
Dissemble(v.) --to disguise or conceal, deliberately give a false impression. --The politician dissembled instead of giving us the truth.
Distraught (adj.) --very much agitated or upset as a result of emotion or mental conflict. --They were distraught over the disappearance of their child.
Eulogy (n.) --A formal statement of commendation; high praise --Many famous dignitaries presented eulogies to honor Senator Ted Kennedy at the 2009 funeral service.
Evince (v. ) --To display clearly, to make evident, to provoke Evince (v.) --To display clearly, to make evident, to provoke. -- “Looking into another World” by high school student Suzanne Vandivert evinces her talent in photography.
Exhume (v. ) --To remove from a grave; to bring to light Exhume (v.) --To remove from a grave; to bring to light. --The coroner ordered that the body be exhumed.
Feckless (adj.) --Lacking in spirit and strength; ineffective, weak, irresponsible, unreliable. -- His feckless nature led to being fired.
Murky (adj.) --Dark and gloomy, obscure; lacking in clarity and precision. --The divers searched the murky waters for the missing boater.
Nefarious (adj. ) --Wicked, depraved, devoid of moral standards Nefarious (adj.) --Wicked, depraved, devoid of moral standards. --The thieves hatched a nefarious plot to steal identities from job applicants.
Piquant (adj.) --Stimulating to the taste or mind; spicy, pungent; appealing provocative -- A well-known Szechuan dish is Kung Pao chicken which can be very piquant.
Primordial (adj.) --Developed or created at the very beginning; going back to the most ancient times or earliest times; fundamental, basic. -- The history of man’s primordial times can be discovered through archaeology.
Propinquity (n. ) --Nearness in place or time; kinship Propinquity (n.) --Nearness in place or time; kinship. --We got along because of the propinquity of our ideas.
Unwonted (adj. ) --Not usual or expected; not in character Unwonted (adj.) --Not usual or expected; not in character. --It was very unwonted to find a zebra in a pasture with cows.
Utopian (adj.) --founded upon a visionary view of an ideal world; impractical. --It’s a utopian idea to think we could have world peace.
Verbiage (n.) --Language that is too wordy or inflated; wordiness --Readers today may think some Victorian novels like Jane Eyre are filled with endless pages of verbiage.
Verdant (adj.) --Green tint or color; immature in experience or judgment. --I walked through verdant fields.
Viscous (adj.) --Having a gelatinous or gluey quality, lacking in easy movement or fluidity. -- SAE Motor Oil 10W-30 is for temperatures above 0° F. It is the most frequently recommended motor oil viscosity grade for automobile engines.
Derogatory, (adj.) Add-on: EXPRESSING DISAPPROVAL PEJORATIVE NEGATIVE BELITTLING Sentence- Calling out names in a derogatory and pejorative way is childish.
Intractable, (adj.) Add-on: STUBBORN, INTRANSIGENT, HARD TO MANAGE Sentence-Some people are as docile as lambs; others as intractable as mules.
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