Agricultural Led Economic Development in Rural Borneo: Agroforestry in Tambunan District of Sabah Michael C. Farmer, Associate Professor Agricultural and Applied Economics & Natural Resources Management President, Faculty Senate Texas Tech University
What is the Project? And Study? Restore Abandoned highland parcels to use as sustainable high valued tropical mixed fruit and timber products. Process fruits into purees for export: to be used in hotels and health food drinks (such as unpasteurized fruit yogurt drinks) Develop of Fair Trade Cooperative to share risks and rewards Partly restore forest function Establish Model for Local Owned and Capitalized Rural Enterprise
Activities Survey of Entrepreneurship and Private Capital (Public Sector Crowding out) Set up Study Design for 25 acres of Land from Tambunan District Set up Coop terms Conduct Product Marketing/ Taste Tests/Willingness to Pay in: Local International Hotels in Sabah 2 Hong Kong Hotels and Grocery Stores
World Wildlife Designation
Dotted Area is Highland Less suited for Palm Oil Man and Biosphere Site (in cricle) Within Dotted Area is: Area Includes more than 1 Million Persons Ecologically Richer than Valley Floors Has to engage Locals in Economic Development & Must respect Ecological Integrity Study Area
*Why Tambunan? Less Wealthy Rice Farmers Labor Shortage and Unused or Under-Used Land
Rice Below and Montane
And again – Mountains Pervasive (Croker Range)
Perfect Study Area Looking to Mt. Kinabalu
*Land Use Change Example 2013 From This
To This 2014
With This Effect 2015
Contacts With Locals
Final Similar to “C”
What Crops Do You Suggest? Rambutan Mangosteen Langsat (?) SourSop Agar Wood Rubber Bannana / Cocao Ginger Chile Pineaple Takes 5 to 7 years To Get a Crop Takes 2 years to get crop 6 months to 15 months
Initial Hypotheses Only Two Trees Same Species Adjacent Many different Trees (can be coffees and cocoa) Thinly Spaced Connected by pathways Allows cropping in occasional clearings Mitigates Pest – an IPM Strategy Also IPM but has niche Market Benefits Augments IPM Fewer Ecological Disturbances Responds to labor shortage Slow rotational ginger and peppers
*Best Prices Product Label? Borneo Forest Grown What do you think?? Environment Friendly Green Label Man and Biosphere Region Product Label? Borneo Forest Grown What do you think??
My Welcoming Committee On My Hotel Balcony