March FWEA Celebrations! We phoned thousands of community members and PASSED THE LEVY! First ever Instructional Coaches/LDT/Interventionist meet-up! Mark Twain Illahee and Sequoyah Unity School Safety T-shirts sold out, and on pre-order FWEA’s Safety meeting Our student walkouts High School District Department Head Meeting, should be paid now Legislative Session FUNDING FWEA Building visits/Listening Tour are going well Our WEA-PAC all time high! 58%...we just need 15 more to hit 60%! …and add your own!
Example of staff-wide unity at Sequoyah
Legislative Update - WEA Members’ Unity Agenda was massively successful - Funding coming to locally bargain - Bargaining rights for Higher Ed - Student Loan Forgiveness Program
Did you know…Evaluation Language (section 5.1) “It is a shared belief of the parties that evaluation should promote teacher growth and improve learning outcomes for students and must be meaningful, helpful, objective, and collaborative.” “Within a week after each visit, evaluator will provide a coded script which may include photos, noticings, wonderings, and/or analysis/ feedback.” “e. The evaluator will also code all responses to wonderings submitted by the educator” “f. While not required, educators have the right to debrief the noticings and wonderings or scripting of an observation with their evaluator” Observations shall mean “the gathering of evidence made through classroom or worksite visits, or other visits, work samples, or conversations” Prior to completing summative evaluation, the evaluator will discuss how all evidence was considered in determining the summative evaluation.
ESP Workload Language: Is it happening in your building ESP Workload Language: Is it happening in your building? Let’s help our ESPs! Section 9.11- Offices at each school site will be open to the public 30 minutes before and after the student day. Employees whose shifts extend beyond the office hours will use that time to complete office work. Employees are expected to answer the phones during their shift, including before or after office hours. Section 9.12-- On early release days, ESPs will work with their administrator to establish a schedule that allows the office to remain open while providing focused worktime for some staff, on a rotation basis Section 9.13-In the event that concerns arise regarding workload, each employee, at the request of the employee or supervisor, should meet with the supervisor to establish priorities and otherwise address workload concerns. The intent of this meeting is to reach a shared understanding of work priorities and what work can reasonably be accomplished within the regular work hours.
Bargaining Readiness: Are you part of our FWEA member communication? Part of our text message service? Updated contact info? (We do not get new addresses, etc. from the district) Taken the bargaining survey? Bonus: on Facebook group and page? Our building visits are underway, and our team goes to the table in May!