- vit B 1 ,B 2, B 6 ,B 12 - act as co-enzyme B- vitamins - vit B 1 ,B 2, B 6 ,B 12 - act as co-enzyme
Vitamin B complex
** Vit B 1 : called thiamine water soluble vit destroyed by alkaline substance well absorbed in acidic media especially in the duodenum has role of metabolism deficiency of vit B 1 called : Beriberi
** signs & symptoms of Beriberi : 1-aneroxia 2-indigestion 3-constipation 4-parlysis 5-edema of lower limb 6-muscle pain ** the need of vit B 1 is increased during pregnancy ,lactation ,infancy ,childhood ,adolescence
** Riboflavin [ vit B 2 ]: Yellow –green pigment Water soluble Destroyed by light Absorbed in the upper part pf small intestine [ intestinal mucosa ] Milk decrease absorption of B vit B 2 Act as co-enzyme Has role in production of energy Aid in tissue building Deficiency of bit B 2 lead to : tissue inflammation & break down , poor wound healing ,cracked lip ,swollen tongue
*pyridoxine : { vit B 6 } Water soluble vit Sensitive to light Absorbed in the upper portion of the intestine Has role in protein metabolisms Bit B 6 regulate brain activity Neuritis is deficiency of this vit
**cobalamine : { vit B 12 } Deficiency of this vit lead to pernicious anemia -source of this vit is mainly from animal origin - absorption of cobalamin in the ileum -this is common in vegetarian
Minerals one of micronutrient substances . these elements deposited in the rock ,go to soil, then to plants , animal eat it ,then go to human . inorganic elements has vital role in human metabolism { building ,activity ,regulating ,transmitting ,& controlling } Na ,K [ shift of body water ] Ca ,ph provide structure of the body framework Iodine need for thyroid hormone 2% of Ca need to build the skeletal tissue .
** types of minerals : 1- major mineral - found in large amount -seven major minerals ( ca ,Mg ,Na ,K,ph ,sulfur & chloride ) 2- Trace elements : - found in small amount - as iron ,iodine ,zinc ,copper ,Manganese ,fluoride