English Through Literature Unit 1: “Ne’er So Well Expressed” brucemichael@beiwaionline.com
Course Preview What English Through Literature is All About The role of the Tutor and Student What can a student expect to achieve? Email and this course. Course Motto!
If You Fail To Prepare! Prepare To Fail! brucemichael@beiwaionline.com
Some References John Lye (1996) The Problem of Meaning in Literature. [www.brocku.ca/english/jlye/meaning.html] Lindsay K. (2003) Bookworm. [www.teenink.com/Past/2003/January/CollegeEssays/Bookworm.html] Genre Theory is the invention of literary critics, and adds little to the experience and pleasure of (reading) [www.essaybank.co.uk/free_coursework/2412.html]
Introduction Writing Styles in Literature Purpose and Context in Literature Generic Structure in Literature Literary Licence and Language Literature as a Social Vehicle Realism in Literature The role of Literature
What Is Literature? Can literature be easily defined? Who decides what is literature? What is meant by the term ‘literary classic’? Review the definitions (#1- #11) on page 8 of your textbook. Which is the best?
Why Read Literature? Write down your reasons for reading literature. Read out your reasons to your classmates Do your classmates have similar reasons for reading literature?
Writing Styles – Descriptions of London Review Excerpts 1 –5 (Textbook pp 32-33) How do different writing styles affect the reader? Do different writing styles have a purpose? What is the role of word usage in writing? Idioms and understanding
What is the general purpose of an author in writing?
Context in Literature Time/Period Place/Location Personae Geography Author
How Important Is It To Understand The Author? Why does the author write in the way he/she does? What does the term ‘authorial agenda’ mean? Think about some authors (Chinese or other) that you know and discuss how, and why, they are different in the ways in which they write. (Group discussion/Reports)
Generic Structure in Literature Genre Types Western Romance Mystery Horror Science Fiction
‘Genres’ are particular types (or styles) of writing ‘Genres’ are particular types (or styles) of writing** in which the reader expects certain types of actions (including sequencing) to occur. Each ‘genre’ also presents certain stereotypical ‘character’ types. ** ‘Genres’ also occur in art, music and film.
The ‘Theme’ in Literature What is a ‘theme’? The dictionary definition: A ‘theme’ in art , a book, play or poetry is a repeated or recurrent image or idea in it. In your groups choose a theme and then act out the theme for the class.
What is ‘poetic’ – ‘literary’ Licence? Should all authors be required to have a licence to write?
Literature and Language How does the author G.B. Shaw use language to effect in the short extract from his play Pygmalion outlined in your textbook (pp 46-47)? What effect does the language have on the reader? How does a play differ from literary narratives and poetry?
Literature as a Social Vehicle What does the term ‘social vehicle’ mean? Does the short extract from the play Pygmalion provide you with any evidence that literary works can be used as a social vehicle? Based on this extract: Why is it important for readers to understand ‘context’ in terms of both author and time/period, place, personae, location and geography?
Realism in Literature What does the term realism mean? (discuss in pairs) If literature did not have a realistic element to it what would happen? To what extent do literary works of ‘fiction’ and ‘non-fiction’ produce a social realism in our lives?
Summary: Unit 1 Today I have learned about: Writing Styles in Literature Purpose and Context in Literature Generic Structure in Literature Literary Licence and Language Literature as a Social Vehicle Realism in Literature The role of Literature
Thank You! Any questions or queries please email me at: brucemichael@beiwaionline.com Remember!! If you fail to prepare, prepare to fail!!!