Slot antenna
Slot antenna A slot antenna is a radiator made by cutting a one-half wavelength slot in a conducting sheet of metal or into the side or top of a waveguide.
Slot antenna The slot antenna has the same characteristics as a standard dipole antenna, as long as the metal sheet is very large compared to λ at the operating frequency. Slot antennas are widely used on high-speed aircraft where the antenna can be integrated into the metallic skin of the aircraft.
Slot antenna
Radiation pattern of Slot antenna Far Field Components of Slot Radiation
Horn Antennas flared waveguides that produce a nearly uniform phase front larger than the waveguide itself constructed in a variety of shapes such as sectoral E-plane, sectoral H-plane, pyramidal, conical, etc.
E- and H-Plane Patterns of the E-Plane Sectoral Horn
E- and H-Plane Patterns of the H-Plane Sectoral Horn E-Plane H-Plane
E and H-Plane Patterns E-Plane H-Plane )
E- and H-Plane Patterns of The Conical Horn Antenna E-Plane H-Plane
Pyramidal Horn combination of the E-plane and H-plane horns and as such is flared in both directions
Other horn antenna types Multimode Horns Corrugated Horns Hog Horns Biconical Horns Dielectric Loaded Horns etc.
Application Areas used as a feed element for large radio astronomy, satellite tracking and communication dishes A common element of phased arrays used in the calibration, other high-gain antennas used for making electromagnetic interference measurements