Welcome to 7th grade reading Learning through engagement, performance and transference Presented by 7th grade reading teachers
Novel studies for our classes in AC
Reading strategies Fiction Non-fiction
Testing dates Cognitive Abilities Test (CoGat) 10/1 Iowa Assessment – 10/5-10/8 Milestones – 4/13-4/15 and 4/18-4/19
Class Resources
Grading percentages Major Grades 40% Minor Grades 25% tests, assessments, performance tasks, research/connection to reading, essay questions Minor Grades 25% Quizzes, short speeches, debates, minor projects Classwork/journals 15% Vocabulary 20% Grades may not be weighted the same
Homework policy Homework is due the day it is assigned. Homework not turned in on the due date will receive a grade of 0%
Absence It is the student’s responsibility to find out any missing assignments Check the blog Ask a friend Check for specific areas for missing assignments