Farm Size Trend
Larval Development Assay Results based on 140 animals 5 farms Farm 1 2 3 4 5 Drug Bz R R R R R LV SR S Low R S S IVM Low R R R R R MX S* S S S S panacur valbazen safeguard tramisol Ivomec eprinex dectomax cydectin (Moxidectin) S=>95% effective R=<95% resistant SR=suspected resistant (borderline)
Fecal Egg Count Reduction Test Results 103 Animals from 3 farms 1 2 3 Bz * R R LV # S IVM% R R R MX $ S R panacur valbazen safeguard tramisol Ivomec eprinex dectomax cydectin (Moxidectin) S=>95% effective R=<95% resistant SR=suspected resistant (borderline) *2 farm n=19 # 1 farm n=11 % 3 farms n=29 $2 farms n=20
Start 525
Objectives Obtain an overview of SAC farming in America with a focus on parasite issues. Prevalent worm in the area is H. contortus-LDA LDA showed that 80 - 100% of the worms were H. contortus. The rest trichostrongylus. Noted N. battus Determine the prevalence of anthelmintic resistant GIN of llamas and alpacas in the southeastern U.S. GINs are now resistant to certain classes of anthelmintic drugs in llamas and alpacas as evidenced both in vivo and in vitro Ivermectin as little as 57% effective in vitro Moxydectin still effective but dosage may need to be higher in vivo explore novel approaches to controlling GIN feeding condensed tannin forages as a natural anthelmintic doesn’t appear to work as well in SACs
SACs have a higher level of false positives than goats. to determine the effectiveness of the FAMACHA system in assessing parasitic burden in these species. SACs have a higher level of false positives than goats. Some SACs have pigmentation that prevents scoring