HDF-EOS to GeoTIFF Conversion Tool & HDF-EOS Plug-in for HDFView Abe Taaheri, Raytheon IIS HDF & HDF-EOS Workshop XV Riverdale, MD April 17, 2012
HEG Utility to convert EOSDIS data from HDF-EOS2 to GeoTIFF formats. Versions Available: Stand-alone: A downloadable desktop version Data Pool: Access through NASA archive online storage 3
HEG Functionality Conversion: HDF-EOS (Swath or Grid ) to a single-band or multi-band GeoTIFF’s HDF-EOS Swath to HDF-EOS Grid or Swath HDF-EOS Swath or Grid to generic Binary (with metadata file) Subsetting (spatial, field, band) 4
HEG Functionality Stitching (mosaicing) + subsetting + Reprojecting Reprojection ( to UTM, PS, TM, STP, LCC, LAMAZ, GEO, SIN, Albers, CEA) Subsampling (Subsample stacks) Running from Command Line (batch jobs) or with Java-based GUI 5
HEG Functionality Metadata preservation/creation. Currently supports MODIS, MISR, ASTER, AIRS, AMSR-E products on TERRA and AQUA more than 210 products Operable on Sun, SGI, Win, Linux, MAC 6
HEG Functionality Integrated into ECS Data Pool User Interface Reduces the transfer time of HDF-EOS data sets (if subset is requested) Provides the end-user with the exact file required by their application User Interface Portable, written in Java. Not dependent on COTS (eg. IDL). 7
Examples (MISR) Mt. Etna Eruption: MISR L1B Stitched Blocks 8
Examples (MODIS) 2004 Hurricane Francis, MODIS MOD021KM, Multi-Band GeoTIFF, 3 bands: EV_1KM_RefSB, Bands 1,2,5 9
Examples (ASTER) AST_L1B, 2003 California Fires Geo. projection, Multi-Band GeoTIFF (3 bands): Visible Near Infrared (VNIR) ….. and Subsetted Two Swaths Stitched ….. 10
HDFView With HDF-EOS Plug-in
HDFView Plug-in HDFView A Java-based browser from The HDF Group for HDF4 and HDF5 based data. HDF-EOS plug-in Extends HDFView to browse HDF-EOS data in both versions (2 & 5). Is a plug-in module does not change HDFView functionality identical look and feel when displaying HDF and HDF-EOS objects access to complete breakdown of HDF-EOS objects. e.g. grid info, projection info, dims, datafields, and attributes 12
HDFView Plug-in Some features in the Plug-in 13
Swath, Grid, and Point Objects Plug-in file treeview Swath/Grid Lat/Lon display 1 of #page 14
HE2 to HE5 Conversion One click to convert HE2 to HE5 file format
AMSR-E Swath Getting Image of selected pixels in a table Getting lat/lon for a selected pixel in a table 1 of #page 16
AMSR-E and OMI Point objects HE2 Point Object HE5 Point Object 1 of #page 17
MODIS (HE2) and OMI (HE5) Grids Drawing Coastlines & International Borders on HE2 & HE5 Grids 1 of #page 18
Download, Documentation, Help: HDFView: Availability Download, Documentation, Help: HDFView: http://newsroom.gsfc.nasa.gov/sdptoolkit/ HDFView/HDFView_hdfeos_plugin.html HEG: HEG/HEGHome.html
Questions, Comments, Requests: Help, Comments Questions, Comments, Requests: Abe_Taaheri@raytheon.com Landover_PGSTLKIT@raytheon.com http://www.hdfeos.org/ : HDF-EOS Forum
Thank You!