Go to the Library’s website at www.fhsu.edu/forsyth_lib Accessing The FHSU Forsyth Library Online Catalog Go to the Library’s website at www.fhsu.edu/forsyth_lib Click here to access The Online Catalog
You can use the Simple Search to find material by author, title or keyword by selecting your choice from the menu on the right. Keyword Search is selected here.
Type your search term in the box on the left, then click the Search button
This search found 10,000 items having either the word school or prayer. They are listed in order of relevance—how closely the titles match the search terms
The title list gives the title, author and copyright date. The red marks on the left tell how closely the computer thinks the title matches your search.
The call number and location are listed below the title. It also tells if the book is checked out or on the shelf. To get more information about a book, click on the blue title.
The “Holdings Tab” tells you the information you need to find the book on the shelf or for your Works Cited page. Call Number & Location
The “Bibliographic Tab” contains the Library of Congress subject headings. You can click on the subject to find books that focus on that topic. It is a good way to narrow your search and find books that are truly relevant to your topic. Subject Headings
Search by author by entering the name last name first. Select Author Browse.
This brings up a list of authors with the same or similar last names. Click on the number to get a title list of the author’s works.
Notice that these titles are not ranked by relevance Notice that these titles are not ranked by relevance. You can sort them by title or date by selecting from the pull down menu on the left.
The title of journals and magazines owned by Forsyth Library are also listed in the Online Catalog. Use the “Journal Title Keyword” search. The title of journals and magazines owned by Forsyth Library are also listed in the Online Catalog. Select “Journal Title Keyword”.
Find the correct title and click on it to see what issues the library owns.
These dates show what issues we own. We own issues of this journal from vol. 15 (1942) to the present day. The most recent issue we have received is dated Oct. 2007. There is one issue missing. These dates show what issues we own.
The call number for the journal is in blue The call number for the journal is in blue. The issues from 1994 to the present will be found on the Main Floor in the Periodicals Area. Older issues are in the basement.
Call numbers beginning with MF indicate microfilm The library owns many journals and some newspapers on microfilm. You can view and print them using a microfilm reader located in the Periodical area. Call numbers beginning with MF indicate microfilm
If you have any questions about using Forsyth Library’s Online Catalog, call us at 785-628-5283, or e-mail us at refserv@fhsu.edu