Light is energy and travels like a wave
Electromagnetic Spectrum All energy on our planet comes from the Sun The Sun emits more types of energy than just visible light
Electromagnetic Spectrum The main difference between these types of energy is their wavelengths A wavelength is the distance between two crests of the wave
Electromagnetic Spectrum These waves differ in the distance between the crests If the crests are far apart the energy level is low, for example radio waves, cell phone waves
Electromagnetic Spectrum If the crests are close together the energy level is much higher, for example X-rays and gamma rays These types of waves are more dangerous to living organisms
The energy carried by the waves is kinetic energy (the energy of motion) and we can harness this energy to make something “happen”. Even though we can’t see most of these waves we use their energy to run our TVs, cell phones, radios, microwaves, take X-rays etc.
We can only see a small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum - the part that is visible light
Visible light When you see a rainbow in the sky, or the spectrum split by a crystal (prism) you are seeing the wavelengths of visible light We name these parts of visible light using their colours
The colours of the rainbow, or visible light are: Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet Roy G Biv