Scientific Method.


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Presentation transcript:

Scientific Method

Possible order to the scientific method: problem, research, form a hypothesis, collect data and note observations, draw conclusions, repeat the experiment Scientific results is only valid if it can be repeated in another experiment by a different person. A theory is a hypothesis that has been supported when an experiment has been repeated many times.

Hypothesis An educated guess based on research or past experience on the outcome of the experiment

Variables A control is used for comparison. Every experiment needs a test group and a control group. The experimental group gets the treatment of the experiment. Nothing is done to the control group. Constants are kept the same for both groups.

Variables (continued) The independent variable is the treatment and is tried on the test group. The dependent variable would be counted or measured after the treatment is given. Dependent depends on independent. What depends on what?

Sample Experiment A person buys 20 plants. She divides them into two groups of ten plants each. All plants get the same amount of soil, water, and sunlight. Group A get no fertilizer. Group B gets fertilizer. She then measures the height of each tomato plant for the next two weeks. What are the constants? Which is the control group? Which is the experimental group? What type of graph should be used for the data collected?

Measurements in Science are Metric Liter measurement for volume (L) Meter measurement for length (m) Gram measurements for mass (g) mL = milliliter km = kilometer mg = milligram

Pie Graph Pie graphs are used to show percentages, compare parts of the whole.

Bar Graph Bar graphs are used when one of the variables is not a number.

Line Graph Line graphs are used when both variables are numbers.

Dependent and Independent Variables on Graphs